Feng Shui Scholar Q&A

FS Bestbuy's Feng Shui Scholar CARE CENTER
Feng Shui Bestbuy has a few Feng Shui “scholars” who are qualified but humble experts in Pure Feng Shui. They are genuinely qualified Feng Shui masters with wide practical audit experience of 20 years and beyond, besides excelling in theories and formulas.
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Issue #16
Question 1: Financial Troubles Due to Covid-19 Economic Catastrophe
Hello Feng Shui Scholar,
I am facing financial troubles. Any quick suggestion?
In feng shui, there is no quicker fix more favorable than using pure feng shui counting on symbolism, sacred incantations and magical objects. I will be recommending something simple, practical and effective. I am not sure how severe your status is and the background. But feng shui may help in most of the financial situations if not all.
In 2020, the Robbery Star #7 in the center palace of every home is the main culprit that robs away finances if it is not properly remedied. One should place the fulins to bite away the robbery star and suppress further financial losses due to economic crisis and recession.
Next, you will need to check if your zodiac sign is in conflict with the Tai Sui. Those who are in conflict with the Tai Sui will be most susceptible to losses and changes from good to bad. If yes, you will need to invite his Plaque home and display in the north sector of the living room as a symbol of respect.
After that, you may want to consider ushering immense prosperity energy from Annual Wealth Star #8 to enhance business acumen and promote inflow of new income. To activate this wealth star, display the Citrine Tree of Life in the northwest of your house.
And it will be advisable to gather much divine help to lighten the effects from crisis and emerge unscathed. We did observe that those who had the image of Kwan Kung in their business premises had little to no impact from 1997’s and 2008’s financial crisis across asia. We suggest you get the one in a fire element robe (purple or red) because the year needs fire to overcome problems. Display his figurine facing your main door.
Next, since it is the Year of Rat, you may want to consider giving respect to the year by recognizing its presence and tapping its capabilty of magnetizing bountiful wealth opportunities. The rat is the sign that can forage for food and supplies no matter what the circumstances. Its symbol when combined with the powerful celestial animal Chilin will bless you for two years. In 2020, display it in its direction in the north. Come 2021 the Year of Ox, since it is a secret friend of the Ox, it should be moved to the northeast to enjoy the union luck that could bring a smooth and flawless year.
If you are on the verge of losing your job and planning to go for something new, then you are advised to wear the pendant of a Red Chilin with Wings. The chilin is the most suitable guardian to help you sort out new paths and red is the fire element needed to overcome any problem associated to Covid-19.
Last but not least, if you are keen to carry along lucky charms so that you will always stay at the tip top of any chaotic situation, you may consider the following amulets:
1. Resilience Amulet – Incredibly powerful, it prevents the terrible potential for reversal of financial luck. The amulet ensures you will always maintain a healthy cash flow. Especially favorable to those in business, the amulet promises survival through good and bad times (eg recession), helps entrepreneurs and executives make all the right decisions, allowing you to sustain difficulties with resilience and always emerging unscathed.
2. Bat Lock Lucky Amulet – The God of Luck will give you a strong dosage of blessing in luck and give you new avenues of income growth. It will ensure that money earned can be saved with the bat lock.
3. Anti Financial Loss Amulet – If you have investments or stocks stuck in the market or have a business that is still running, then you ought to use this amulet to prevent your hard earned money from being robbed by the financial downturn.
4. Tai Sui Amulet – This is a must have if your zodiac is in conflict with the Tai Sui, else you will suffer the wrath from his punishment. No matter what remedies you put forth in other feng shui aspects, as long as you do not bring the Tai Sui to your side, you will face a difficult year ahead.
Hope this helps. May you find good health, good luck, good fortune and prosperity always. Stay safe and happy always.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 2: How To Create A Work From Home Life Successful
Dear Feng Shui Scholar,
I am locked down. It may take up to probably a year or more for me to work from home. My boss said he needs to cut our salaries and lay off some of the workers. I am using zoom every day to attend meetings. I feel tired, worried and lack of motivation. How can I make my work-from-home life successful?
Hi Genie,
This is what Feng Shui can do for during challenging times. Yes, feng shui can harness the energy of your environment to empower, transform and give you enormous will power to ride through any storm successfully. The ultimate result will be to maintain happiness and a blessed life.
Many companies have implement a work-from-home policy. This drives demand for employees to create a home office. Even those who are self employed now needs to work from home. To keep your work from home life successful, you will need to create good energy in your home. There is no better time than now to kick start your feng shui and get the luck to your side. The wait and see attitude that most people are having gives you no strategic advantage, This is not the time to yoyo to your old ways because the covid-19 virus may not go away with a date set by any government and the economic downturn could take perhaps 10 years to get revived to its norm.
To harness good luck rapidly, you will need to focus on activating three sectors of your home. These are the three sectors that have positive energies in 2020 that can bring you good luck rapidly. We are talking about strong energy that is needed now. Although some other sectors may have positive energies too, but they are either only moderate or weak, so lets focus mainly on these three sectors:
1. Northwest – This is the sector that empowers profit, income, sales and wealth. This is also the sector that enables you to build, scale and grow your business. It is also the sector for activating recurring income streams. You will need to activate this sector of the house or the direction in your living room with a powerful wealth symbol such as the Citrine Tree of Life.
2. Northeast – This is the sector that enables you to get support from important people such as your boss or your clients. This sector when activated can also turn what you have done during this period into an asset that last forever. For employees, this will add advantage to your intrapreneurship. For those in business or self employed, this will enable you for a successful planning that leads to great outcome. You can consider to activate this sector of the house or the direction in your living room with The Ru Yi Jingu Bang Magical Staff.
3. West – This is the sector that will empower you with a blessed life for you and your family which leads to ultimate happiness throughout the year. A pleasant life with no big pitfalls is important during times of crisis. You can consider to activate this sector of the house or the direction in your living room with the Lady of Nine Heavens Feng Shui Goddess.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 3: Why is My House Haunted
Hi Feng Shui Scholar,
I stay alone in a 1500 sq ft house. Lately I am forced to stay at home more than usual because of the virus. What terrifies me is I found out that my house is haunted. Why does it suddenly get haunted? I am puzzled.
Hello Mimi,
“Yin energies” can build upon time as your house ages, especially when you have mentally abandoned it for many years and not in sync with it. You may have lost touch with it for a while until lately when you are spending more time with it to understand it better. Or maybe since you live in a city where there are so many cases of deaths due to Covid-19, the unsettled souls may be roaming around to find a good spot to settle their energies in. There are so many possibilities, but in general the followings are the five most common ones:
1. Walk around your house and check every room to see if there is any space that lacks sunlight and is damp. Normally rooms that have 3 sided walls and one side of window will fall under such category.
2. Check if the external environment is surrounded by too much water? If three sides of your house is surrounded by water, then the energy is confimed to be overly “yin”. Or if a large water source is within 50 meters from your house, the external environment is also considered as yin.
3. Having a collection of too many soft toys or dolls may invite ghosts. This is because ghosts like to find non godly figures/images with eye, nose or ears to attach to. Therefore if you have too many of them at home, do try to donate them away.
4. Antiques with unknown background may have attachments in them. They could be burial items or stolen items with history unknown to us. Therefore, it is very inauspicious to collect or display any antique pieces at home. Get rid of them by all cost!
5. Bedheads facing the window can give one bad dreams at night. These bad dreams can cause confusion, lethargy and bad spirits to intervene and disturb you in real life. Therefore move your bedhead away from the windows.
To get the property back to its original self, you can do a few things:
1. Increase its “yang energies” to counter the “yin energies’ and strike a balance. This can be done by inviting figurines of gods and goddesses into your home. Place them at the foyer facing out, in the living room and in your dining area. Nothing beats divine help when it comes to countering evil spirits.
a. You may want to consider displaying the Sitting Kwan Kung (filled with mantras inside) at the foyer facing towards your main door. Sitting Kwan Kung takes care of indoor while Standing Kwan Kung takes care of the outdoor. Therefore, for your situation, get the sitting version.
b. The most important deity to be displayed in the living room (eg. east corner of it) will be the exorcising Red Robe Chung Kwei (with hidden mantras). His presence will immediately arrest any spirits in your house.
c. Display the Lady of Nine Heavens Holding the Bagua in your dining area or in areas such as study or family room. Her presence will empower your space with yang energy blessings.
2. Space clearing is necessary. Regular space clearing using the Singing Bowl and Bell will chase away dirty spirits and wandering ghosts that are causing mischieve.
3. Regular burning of genuine sandalwood incense ingots will revitalize the chi inside the house regular. Smoke from sandalwood can penetrate and pierce through to vanquish evil spirits and drive them away.
4. Turn on the music (happy music) or turn on the television daily to move the stagnant chi. Open all your windows in the morning hours to invite in the sunlight.
5. Protect your main door with a strong metal Nine Mirrored Bagua and a pair of Protective Fu Dogs guarding your door and eating up wandering spirits that desire to enter your home. Remember that the main door is the entry point where all spirits would enter your house and therefore it must not be left unprotected.
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar
Issue #17
Question 1: Situations When Houses Should Not Be Renovated
Hello Feng Shui Scholar,
Since I am staying at home for months to come, I am planning to renovate, refurbish and repair my house. My house is facing the north. But I read somewhere that it may not be ideal. Is it true?
Hi Alberto,
I do not recommend that you renovate your house in 2020. This is because your house is facing the direction where Jupiter Planet is in 2020 which is in the north. In addition to that, it is also sitting on 3-Killings in the south. If you renovate your house, it may trigger troubles, injuries and accidents due to conflict with the Tai Sui and loss of wealth, love and life due to harm from 3-Killings.
There are four annual afflictions situations where a house CANNOT be renovated by all means, else you will be in serious jeopardy. They are:
1. If the house is SITTING on Year Breaker position. The opposite of sitting is the facing. The Year Breaker is always the opposite direction of the Tai Sui. For eg, the Year Breaker is in the south in 2020. If you do not have a choice but still need to proceed to renovate it, you may consider displaying the Tai Sui Plaque in your living room. All individuals of the household must carry along the Tai Sui Talisman. Display a Pi Yao facing the maindoor to watch your safety.
2. If the house is SITTING on Five Yellow. For eg, the Five Yellow is in the east in 2020. Therefore all houses that have their backs to the east and the front facing the west CANNOT be renovated at all. Else it will lead to fatality, long term illness and bankruptcy especially to the son of the family. If you do not have a choice but still need to proceed to renovate it, you may consider displaying the Five Element Pagodas in the east sector of your house. Additionally display a Pi Yao facing the maindoor to keep everyone protected. The Pi Yao’s role is to reduce troubles from big to small and to prevent disasters.
3. If the main door is located in the Five Yellow sector. If you do not have a choice but still need to proceed to renovate it, you may consider displaying the Five Element Pagodas in the east sector of your house. Additionally display a Pi Yao facing the maindoor to keep everyone protected. The Pi Yao’s role is to reduce troubles from big to small and to prevent disasters.
4. If the house is sitting on 3-Killings. For eg, the 3-Killings is in the south in 2020. Therefore all houses that have their backs to the south and facing the north CANNOT be renovated at all. Else it will lead to financial losses, fatality and lost in relationship. If you insist to go ahead with renovation, since the 3-Killings sector is the same as the Year Breaker’s sector in 2020, besides using the remember from (1) above, you should consider to additionally display the classical 3 Chilins cure in south sector facing the south.
Hope this annual rules helps. May you find good health, good luck, good fortune and prosperity always. Stay safe and happy always.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 2: How Can Kids Who Are Not Going to School Excel From Home?
Dear Feng Shui Scholar,
Not only am I suppose to work from home. But my three kids are also suppose to learn from home. But without going to school, how can they improve? I do not want them to lack behind. Please advise.
Amy Centita
Hi Amy,
It is not true that kids cannot improve in their studies from home. In ancient times, most imperial scholars learnt from home. They studied from home all by themselves. And when they were ready, they would walk by foot for months or years to attend to imperial examinations held at the capital of the country.
Here are some important tips that you can follow. They are common methods recommended by Feng Shui masters and are very effective:
1. Tap on the literary luck energy from Annual Wen Chang Star #4. For eg, in 2020 it is located in the southwest. You can display the Lucky Bamboo in this sector to activate this star. Activating this star benefits those who are seeking for intelectual achievement, good progress in studies, heighten their education interest and do well in examinations in 2020. It will help one excel in school, improve concentration and quality of thoughts.
2. Northeast corner is an important corner to gain concentration is studies. Make sure you move their study tables to the northeast corner of every child’s room. Then place the consecrated Peachwood Wenchang Pagoda on their study desks. If you cannot move their desks to the northeast, then you can place the pagoda in the northeast corner of the desk.
3. Give your children each an auspicious connotation of education, the Kung Fu Tze amulet. Kung Fu Tze is the greatest sage on earth who had been revered through ages, a symbol of victory, fame, popularity, recognition, literary excellence, intelligence, wisdom and mental development. Let each of them keep the amulet under their pillow or under their mattress.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 3: What Type of Exercise is Suitable for Me?
2017 was a year where i nearly lost my life to cancer. I was diagnosed with liposarcoma and I went to the wrong doctor who had no ethics. He is a family doctor and we have great trust in him. But he greedily rushed me into agreeing for him to perform a surgery that he had no experience with all because of wanting my money. He then led me to believe he could help to manage my cancer with post operation therapies like chemo and radio. During my recuperation, my daughter gave me the Medicine Buddha Statue, a special calabash wind chime and a medicine charm she bought from your store. These powerful stuffs truely worked miracle, gave me positive intuition and had led me to approach other medical experts to find out in shock that the greedy doctor had done the surgery without wide margins. His recommendation for post operation chemo and radio therapies were also useless for my case. After searching around, I found a kind hearted medical professor who did another resection on me. The 2nd operation was successful and able to clean out all the cancer cells giving me a good prognosis. I am in full remission after 30 months and is cancer free. My professor said i m cured and the cancer will not return. I want to thank you for making me so lucky. By the way, I am advised to exercise a lot starting now. Is there any exercise that may be more favorable to me based on my birth date? I was born on 3 September 1950. Sorry if the email is too long. This is the first time I am writing to you.
Ima Melani
Hello Ima,
We are so happy to hear about the positive results you had obtained from pure feng shui. Pure feng shui can overturn any negative situation into become positive again. Even if you are on the wrong train, you can still reach the right place with the help of feng shui :). It is not the question of whether feng shui will work or not, it is the matter of whether one is willing to try it or not. Those who have obtained some results like you will magnify the usage of feng shui, just like how the royal families of ching dynasty was doing. If you have seen their imperial feng shui collections in the museum, you will know how enormous they were at it.
Yes, of course every situation has a feng shui recommendation. Based on your birth season, there will be certain exercises that are more favorable to you. But before we go into that, we like to recommend that you invite the Lady of Nine Heavens and have her figurine displayed facing your main door to watch out for any misfortune that may arrive at your door. The Lady of Nine Heavens is particularly good to look after the elderly. Then move your existing Medicine Buddha statue to the east sector of your living room in 2020. And display your Wulou Windchime in the south sector of your house in 2020. This will ensure that your health will be protected at all times.
The types of exercises that are suitable according to the season of birth will be:
1. Born on 4 Feb – 4 May in any year. The best exercise for a spring child should be associated to metal. Going to the gym and doing some form of weight lifting will be ideal.
2. Born on 5 May – 7 Aug in any year. The best exercise for a summer child will be swimming or water sports because water element will be beneficial.
3. Born on 8 Aug – 7 Nov in any year. The best exercise for a autumn child will be hiking or walking in parks surrounded by a lot of trees because wood element will be beneficial.
4. Born on 8 Nov – 3 Feb in any year. The best exercise for a winter child will have to be associated to fire element. Therefore going to a sauna will be beneficial. And consuming chilly will also be favorable.
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar
Issue #18
Question 1: How to Stop Nightmares?
Hello Feng Shui Scholar,
I have been working from home lately. Maybe it doesn’t make me tired and this led me to a lot of frightening nightmares. The dreams seem to be so real. Please help.
Hi Wanda,
Firstly, I am assuming that you have set up a workstation at home for virtual meeting using zoom, microsoft team etc. The frequency of your cell phone usage may have increased too perhaps. And you may be using more electronic gadgets, power points, routers and wires than usual. Or you could have upgraded your home broadband with stronger wifi magnifier. Do take note that there is electomagnetic field (shar chi) emitted by them actually. We have a case from where her neighbour’s strong wifi penetrated through her wall causing her healthy cat to fall ill and died mysteriously, and her health and fortune falling apart within just days after the installation of broadband network with a strong router by her neighbour.
This electromagnetic fields that affects you during your day time may continue to resonate with your frequencies through the night. The situation could be worsen if you have a cell phone sitting in your bedroom or is charging at night. The radiofrequency originating from both the device and battery can connect you with other realms. Medically, there is also the likelihood of developing abnormal cell growth that leads to tumors in the body.
Having nightmare is first signal telling you that the energy fields in your house is chaotic and needs to be addressed.
1. Unplug from power points and turn off the gadgets when they are not in use. Check to make sure that the router and wifi magnifier are not overly strong and giving dangerous levels. Leave your cell phones out of your bedroom at night and charge them far away from you. Do not carry along the cell phone with you at all times. Leave them when they are not necessary.
2. Place the clear quartz cluster in every room of your house, especially along the walls where there you know there is electromagnetic fields emission such as heavily wired walls. You may also place the cluster at the work station, cell phone charging station and together with your router. Clear Quartz crystal cluster is a prismatic hexagonal crystals in compact masses and druses.The Clear Quartz produces a force field of healing negative ions while clearing the surroundings of positive ions, protecting the aura. It dispels static electricity, and cancels out the harmful effects of radiation and radioactivity. Known as the “HEAT POISON CHI”, electromagnetic and radiation waves emitted from mobile phones, electronic pads, notebooks, computers and televisions can harm the health, well being and harmony of individuals. If one is surrounded by such gadgets, a strong remedy like this one will be effective.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 2: How Can Non-Stop Cash Outflows Be Overcome?
Hi Feng Shui Scholar,
I am a feng shui practitioner who had studied under XX (a master whom we want to avoid mentioning). My business has been suffering from a major blow during Q1 and I am bleeding with cash outflow. How do I stop it? My master thought me to face a certain directions at work and avoid using some sectors in my house, but they don’t work effectively during critical times like this. Please give me a better solution.
Hi Junior,
Studying under the master must have costed you a bomb. Facing certain good directions and abstaining from using bad sectors will not bring you exceptional results. In fact, such un-proactive actions will rarely do anything useful for good chi to bring you the actual luck. In order to make feng shui work, you need catalyzers and countermeasures. Good “chi” will not get activated by having your face facing its direction.
Anyway, more importantly I like to point out to you why so many people in the world are facing financial losses this year. And if you fix the root cause properly, you will be able to recover from negative cash flow. The culprit that is causing financial losses to so many people this year is the malicious “Robbery Star #7” which is dominating the center palace of the 9 palaces this year. When this star dominates, it affects all the other 8 directions and all 12 zodiacs where most people and most countries will somehow get afflicted by it. Its duty is to rob away peoples’ wealth and next to cause chaos and violence.
We cannot fix the world’s fate, but we can fix our own fate by putting appropriate countermeasure in the center palace of our own home so that its afflicted energies will be suppressed in our home and not affect all individuals who are living under the same roof. When this affliction in the center is fixed, you will find innovative ways to mitigate the financial effects of the pandemic or there would be new avenues for new cash inflows.
Now that you have understood the culprit of your financial losses, you probably must have learnt under the master that the presence of water will remedy the problem. However, we strongly advise you against that. We like you to know that water is NOT allowed in the CENTER palace as it can bring a host of disasters and accidents. Instead, we can replace water with the “kan hexagram”, which is a symbolic representation of water element. We ought to also add on esoteric, religious, imagistic or magical symbols to make the remedy truely effective. The best will be to display the Fulin Dogs on Treasure Suitcase in any part of the center room of your home.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 3: Is the solution for White Tiger the same as Flying Star’s remedy?
Good afternoon. I just read something about the White Tiger. I am a rat person and the other 2 people I’m living with are rat and monkey born people. So all of us offend the White Tiger this 2020. I already have Lady of Nine Heavens, Chilin On a Suitcase, Fuk Luk Sau, Superlative 3 Chilins, Wulou and Pagoda at home. Will these be enough to remedy White Tiger concern.
Maria Padios
Hello Maria,
Good afternoon. The White Tiger is a celestial body that affects certain zodiacs in certain years. What you have above are remedies for flying stars system. They are not related.
Usually when offending the White Tiger, it brings about wicked people trying to put you into troubles in your career especially. They make your plans fall apart with hidden hands behind the scene and you will not notice it at all. In Hong Kong, taoist believers with zodiacs offending the White Tiger normally go to small temples of Tiger Gods under the bridges to perform rites to hit on petty people.
To resolve problems associated to White Tiger, you may consider displaying the Ru Yi Jingu Bang in the northeast and Three Harmony in the north. After remedying the problem, you are assured of a less aggravated year with smoother rides.
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar
Issue #19
Question 1: Your boss suddenly giving you a hard time?
Hello Feng Shui Scholar,
Can I be helped, bad times, birth aug 7, 1963 female 7:00 am CST USA, my boss is giving me hard time this year, I worked 30 years but can not afford to quits, have to support my family? I am a teacher. I am being discriminated due to my age, and physical handicap. My husband’s birth date was june 29, 1959 10:00 am baghdad, iraq birth. He had 2 heart attacks, 21 electric shocks, 4 stems. Cardio arythlmia, and he is also a teacher. Actual heart attacks in May 2019. He stayed in hospital for 1 month. Build in 1995, we stay in an apartment. Main door in the east facing east. Kitchen in middle east. In the center of the house has a long narrow hallway, hallway between in middle of kitchen bathrooms and bedrooms. Main bedroom in the north. South living room. Cannot make alterations to apartment. I have very low affordability. Much debt, much bad health, what can I do?
Hi Spring,
Everything you have described above confirmed to the situations that you are facing. Since the rootcauses are clearly known, you may use counter measures to remedy those problems easily.
1. The main door is the mouth of the house. And therefore the maindoor affects the entire family’s well being. If the main door is threatened, then the entire household could be affected. Since it is located in the east and facing east, it is not so ideal in 2020. This is because there is a 5-Yellow in the east. Feng shui practitioners fear this star the most. 5-Yellow causes two things if not cured. It will cause fatality to individuals or bankruptcy. This star’s is actually a notorious ghost. There are remedies for the 5-Yellow. So you need not be afraid. Depending on your affordability, you may select what suits you the best. 5-Yellow is earth element. Therefore, to control earth element, you need strong symbols of metal element. The cheapest way to cure it is to use a 6 rods windchime. You may hang it in the vicinity of your main door, either hang it on its door knob or next/near to the door. Since your kitchen is also in the east, stop cooking excessively because when you cook, the fire energy will make the 5-Yellow fiercer.
2. As for your boss being mean to you recently, it could be caused by your rabbit zodiac’s conflict with the Tai Sui and your bedroom situated in the north where Hostility Star #3 is in 2020. You will need to carry along a genuine Tai Sui Talisman to work. If you do not appease the Tai Sui, he will make “changes in your life”, such as losing your job. In the bedroom, there is a Hostility Star #3 situated there in 2020. And since you are sleeping there 8 hours a day, you are afflicted. The cheapest and most effective way to cure this is to display the 3 Triangular Fire Prisms in your bedroom.
3. As for your husband’s horoscope luck, he is at all time low. There are fatality gods in his constellation of Pig zodiac. Therefore, you ought to take good care of him. Besides that, you will need to make sure a few things are well taken care of:
a. Besides the 5-Yellow being remedied as told above, you ought to also remedy the Illness Star #2 in your living room where the south sector is. You may use an affordable Brass Wulou as remedy.
b. His individual luck will need to be increased with the Blue Medicinal Buddha Amulet placed under his pillow or under the mattress where he sleeps on. This will protect his health from further deterioration.
4. Both of you are summer children born in summer. Both of you are too strong in fire element. Fire is not good for you. During summer months, you can get into trouble. Like heart attack happening in may 2019 and trouble with boss in may 2020. Suggest both of you wear a lot of blue and And drink a lot of water to make up the weak element.
Good luck to you and your family. May you be blessed with good health and better fortune. We are sending you lots of love!
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 2: Feng Shui Remedy to Prevent Cholesterol Problem
Hi Feng Shui Scholar,
How do you do? My cholesterol is very high and the doctor has given me 6 months to bring it down, if not he will put me in permanent medication. Can you recommend any feng shui remedy for this please? Thank you.
PS:I am also doing other stuffs to bring it down.
Hi Wen,
We found that obtructions in walkways and paths inside ones house almost all the time caused cholesterol which lead to blocked arteries of individuals. First thing first, do check from your main door all the way deep into your house through all hallways. If there are big furniture pieces and unwanted items stacked along pathways, clear them. When the paths in the house are blocked, it will cause arteries to get blocked as well. When pathways are cleared and windows are opened during the day time, chi will flow smoothly through the house to heal health problems.
Next, to remedy “current health problems” that just started, it is best to remedy the “annual” illness sectors which are the east and south in 2020. In the south, display the Enhanced 8-Immortals Double Wulou. In the east, which is a fatality direction in 2020 which leads to long term illnesses, you should consider remedying with the fool proof Sun and Moon Five Element Pagodas.
Last but not least, you may also want to consider protecting your individual health luck by displaying a Mantra Enhanced Brass Wulou next to your bed where you spend 8 hours a day resting your body. Sleeping time will benefit you because it is the tiem when your body heals itself.
May you be blessed with good health and longevity. Good luck.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 3: Laid Off and Using Feng Shui to Restart
My husband got laid off last week by his employer of 17 years and although he was generously given a severance pay, he still needs to find work asap so we can save some of that money for our retirement. His birthday is May 23 1970 if that would help, thanks so much again:)
Ethel Gasmen
Hello Ethel,
Hello Ethel. Greetings. Sounds like it was a good package and you are taking it positively. Actually if there is a good package given, he is considered as very lucky already. And to look at it from another angle, now that he is given a package to stay at home and away from his work place so that he can have full time doing social distancing, probably it is a blessing from heaven to keep him and the family alive and safe. This is after all a good blessing.
The fact that you are preparing for your future is very good. You are being kind to your future! When you give it some thoughts, then the path will become easier for you. He may want to think of starting a business! Big or small does not matter. As long as he is earning through decent means. To enable the turnaround of luck from being a salary earner to become a possible boss himself, you may get the Luck Super Charger for him and display it at his work desk. This special implement is known as the “Niu Zhuan Qian Kun” which connotes “Overturning Heaven and Earth”. It is not only a popular phrase that expresses the sentiment of “overcoming unfortunate situations and changing them to more favorable outcomes”, but is in fact the true metaphysics method to re-programme your luck so that it is always free from obstacles, mishaps, disasters and misfortunes. This powerful implement breaks the code of “Qian-Kun trigrams” to pulverize all negative forces and clear blocked pathways paving you to a smoother and less aggravating year.
To harness good luck rapidly, you will need to focus on activating three sectors of your home. These are the three sectors that have positive energies in 2020 that can bring you good luck rapidly. We are talking about strong energy that is needed now. Although some other sectors may have positive energies too, but they are either only moderate or weak, so lets focus mainly on these three sectors:
1. Northwest – This is the sector that empowers profit, income, sales and wealth. This is also the sector that enables you to build, scale and grow your business. It is also the sector for activating recurring income streams. You will need to activate this sector of the house or the direction in your living room with a powerful wealth symbol such as the Citrine Tree of Life.
2. Northeast – This is the sector that enables you to get support from important people such as your boss or your clients. This sector when activated can also turn what you have done during this period into an asset that last forever. For employees, this will add advantage to your intrapreneurship. For those in business or self employed, this will enable you for a successful planning that leads to great outcome. You can consider to activate this sector of the house or the direction in your living room with The Ru Yi Jingu Bang Magical Staff.
3. West – This is the sector that will empower you with a blessed life for you and your family which leads to ultimate happiness throughout the year. A pleasant life with no big pitfalls is important during times of crisis. You can consider to activate this sector of the house or the direction in your living room with the Lady of Nine Heavens Feng Shui Goddess.
Take time to look at these suggestions. And take steps to do up your feng shui.
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar
Issue #20
Question 1: Two Simple Steps in Activating Chidren’s Luck
Hello my friend,
I hope things are good and well for you and loved ones despite the pandemic . I see that you have put up new and innovative Artifacts for on your site recently which is sparking joy, interests amid the lower than usual economical sentiments . Needed a bit of professional input from you for sure, hoping you can share with me from a feng shui perspective:
– I’m Looking at starting a family with kiddos coming into our lives , are there energy infused elephants available from your store ; and how I should be placing them at home
– there are a couple of three legged money frogs available on your end . I’m interested in a couple of it and was thinking to use them as door stopper and Fengshui items at the same time . What is your take on this approach .
– it looks like there’s a very high likelihood I might be the rising to a senior management or eventually offered a stake in the organisation. Are there any means or accelerate and ascertain this aspect of advancement with stability ; getting to a higher level of authority.
Before you reply , thank you very much for sharing remedy and putting smile on faces , reinstating lives. Hear from you soon.
Keep well and stay sane always!
Hi Gary,
Thank you for your kind compliments and we are happy to help in whatever way we can 🙂
1. Congratulations on your decision to start a family and wanting to invite kids into your life. This is a joyful decision that you have made to complete your life…beautiful decision. There are two important sectors of your house that you may want to activate your children’s luck. These two sectors must not be missing corners:
a. West corner – this is where you want to remove water element so that it will not affect children’s luck. Water element here means a pond or an aquarium. Once it is ready, you may consider displaying the Heavy Bronze Unicorn Bestowing Offsprings. You will need this strong symbol that comes together with strong metal element in order to activate the luck to conceive. The other alternative will be to display the Laughing Buddha with Kids in this west corner.
b. Northeast corner – the early heaven bagua of this direction is zhen and later heaven bagua of this direction is gen. Zhen kua refers married male without children. To avoid the early heaven, you will need to activate the gen kua of this sector which refers to youngest son. The best method to do this is to display the Wealth Turbocharging Pagoda which has a Gen kua on it. Hong Kong masters always use this method to help their clients with much success.
2. Using the Three Legged Money Frog as a door stopper may not be a good idea. Anything related to wealth must be treated with appropriate intention and not diverted attention. If you set the intention as a door stopper, then it is a door stopper and nothing else. We have a superior version of Money Frog that you may want to consider getting.
3. As for accelerating your career rise, this is a sure win formula in 2020. To harness good luck rapidly, you will need to focus on activating three sectors of your home. These are the three sectors that have positive energies in 2020 that can bring you good luck rapidly. We are talking about strong energy that is needed now. Although some other sectors may have positive energies too, but they are either only moderate or weak, so lets focus mainly on these three sectors:
a. Northwest – This is the sector that empowers wealth. This is also the sector that enables you to scale your salary. It is also the sector for activating recurring income streams, which means stability in income stream. You will need to activate this sector of the house or the direction in your living room with a powerful wealth symbol such as the Citrine Tree of Life.
b. Northeast – This is the sector that enables you to get support from important people such as your boss or your subordinates. This sector when activated can also turn what you have done during this period into an asset that last forever. For employees, this will add advantage to your intrapreneurship and higher level of authority. You can consider to activate this sector of the house or the direction in your living room with The Ru Yi Jingu Bang Magical Staff.
c. West – This is the sector that will empower you with a blessed life for you and your family which leads to ultimate happiness throughout the year. A pleasant life with no big pitfalls is important in the beginning of a higher position. Having no pitfalls means stability. You can consider to activate this sector of the house or the direction in your living room with the Lady of Nine Heavens Feng Shui Goddess.
Good luck to you and your family.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 2: How to Risk Assess Mountain-Base-Water Stars Combination?
Hi Feng Shui Scholar,
I have bought the Lady of 9 Heavens and I have received it. She’s so lovely and definitely one of the most beautiful things I ever bought for my house :)))))
But I have a question about placing her: does it matter in which corner of the living room I place her? My concern is if she’s a fire cure and I have placed in the living room where natal flying stars should not be activated with fire (you suggest placing her in the west where fire star 9 is for the year ). I have temporarily placed her in the west corner of living room as suggested (where I have a combination of mountain star 1 and water star 7 on 8 base star) and I’s prefer to place her in the North ( mountain 5 -water 7 on 2 base star) or at the Northwest (Mountain 2 Water 8 on 7 base star). On the other hand I read on the detail page about her that she fixes all flying star and shar chi problems, so placing her anywhere in the living room doesn’t matter and she will fix the natal flying stars in the entirety of the house?
My second question is how to fix star 2 and star 5 without harming star 8. I have a combination of : Mountain 2 and Water 8 (on base 7 star) at the NW and Mountain 8 and Water 5 (on base 1) at the South.
I have bought two enhancers for star 8 – the Wealth Turbo Music Pagoda and the Limitless Money Hanging Tree. I have bought the Longevity Crane Amulet which I hang in the South to cure the annual 2 star which flew there, but I am puzzled about which permanent cures I should use for star 2 and star 5 in these places without harming star 8, since they require big metal which destroys earth. Also at the North of the house where I have the mountain 5 – water 7 combination – which permament cure should I buy? Would a wood cure like the Bamboo fix this?
I’d like to thank you for all the advice you have given me, this has been so helpful for me!
Best regards,
Fotini C
Hi Fotini,
Natal stars take a long time to get activated or subdued. From our audit experiences, it will take 9 months to 9 years for natal stars’ to get activated or subdued, normally longer than a year at least. All experienced feng shui masters know this, therefore they safely recommend annual charts to be addressed every year for quicker results because many today are quick witted and wanting to see results faster. Annual enhancers and cures are therefore generalized for all types of houses without the fear of interaction with natal stars. Therefore you need not worry about the fire energy from the Lady of Nine Heavens firing up certain mountain or water stars in certain sectors. In fact, you should not mix up the natal chart and the annual chart together. You address the charts separately. First neutralize the natal chart permanently, then neutralize annual chart annually. Yes, placing the Lady of Nine Heavens anywhere in the living room does not matter and she will fix the natal flying stars in the entirety of the house.
For long term fixes which generate long term outcome, everyone has to eventually fix the natal chart. We are glad you are proactively looking into this. This is what feng shui audit from masters normally focus on. It may take longer for results to manifest, but the results are solid and lasting for years. Out of the three stars, base star is the strongest, the water star is strong and the mountain star is the weakest. In the case of 2-7-8 (weak earth- very strong metal-strong earth), metal from base subdues earth leaving residue metal that will in turn subdue further a little the 2. Therefore anything symbolic of a wulou is sufficient to address Mountain Star #2, even if it is not made from metal, but metal is better. We should not be too worried about this Mountain #2 because it is weak in this situation. The Water Star #8 will not automatically give you anything good if you do not activate it since its energy has been depleted by the base star. Therefore, you can display your Wealth Turbocharging Pagoda here to activate it.
8-1-5 (weak earth – strongest water – strong earth) will see a situation where Water Star #5 cannot be subdued by water from base. Therefore this leaves a dangerous situation where Water Star #5 is strong and needs to be subdued with the strong Sun and Moon Five Element Pagoda. It can rip off your finances causing misfortunes in the long term if it is not being countermeasured. The Mountain Star #8 with no resistance at all will do its usual job to be of assistance to your relationship and health luck once the Water #5 is subdued.
Your Period 6 Home should yield a base star #2 in the north. 5-2-7 (weak earth – strongest earth – strong metal) will leave residue earth energy after base star try to interact with water star. This residue earth energy will magnify Mountain Star #5. It is highly recommended to counter measure this issue with the strong Sun and Moon Five Element Pagoda. If not, it may bring about accidents/disasters or fatality health problems.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 3: House in Las Vegas Seeking To Improve Business Luck
Hi Scholar,
I currently live in Las Vegas, Nevada. My apartment is in the EAST sector of the building, my door faces South and there is a fireplace in my southeast corner (we’ve never used it). Can you recommend a couple of items for the door and to enhance the money/wealth/business flow. Thank you!
Shelli Speaks
Hello Shelli,
If your apartment occupies the east sector of the building, that means the entire space you are living in is afflicted with #5-Yellow, which is what we fear most. This nasty #5-Yellow can trigger health problems and financial problems if not properly cured. Its function is to lead to fatality and bankruptcy. You may consider displaying the Sun and Moon Five Element Pagodas in the east sector of your house as soon as possible.
The fireplace still symbolizes FIRE element even though it is not used. Shapes, actual features and symbols will affect feng shui whether we use them or not. For example in our surrounding environment, natural forms or man made features of certain shapes will still symbolize something that affects the overall chi of that area and paving to certain types of fortune or misfortune for that city, whether those forms or features have activities within them or not. In this case, the southeast is wood element and is actually a universal wealth direction. If it is burnt by fire, it will create income instability and inability to save money. You may consider remedying the problem by displaying the Kun Hexagram Cure at the fire place.
The south direction has two major problems:
1. Sui Po (the effects are the same as Tai Sui affliction)
2. 3-Killings
When a door faces the Sui Po, it is not ideal. This situation will need you to display the Tai Sui Pi Yao in the vicinity and facing out towards the door. Without any cure, the situation can lead to unwanted major changes in life. Occupants of this house are encouraged to carry along the Tai Sui Talisman to safeguard individual luck because of the offending of Tai Sui.
The door facing the 3-Killings is “better” than having a back facing the 3-Killings. However, that does not mean it is auspicious to face the 3-Killings. 3-Killings are mountain robbers that rob away your wealth, health and relationship. Its effects is feared as much as the #5 Yellow. Do consider remedying the problem by displaying the 3 Chilins facing the main door as the best cure to the issue.
To enhance money/wealth/business flow, first thing first is to protect against losses. The Robbery Star #7 in the center is very strong and fierce this year and practically fiercely ripping everyone off their money. You must fix money leakage problem by displaying the Fulins in the center.
After that, you may want to consider ushering immense prosperity energy from Annual Wealth Star #8 to enhance business acumen and promote inflow of new income. To activate this wealth star, display the Citrine Tree of Life in the northwest of your house. This will also at the same time activate the Chien Kua of your house that brings vitality in long term snowballing of your wealth. It can pave way to other business opportunities for you as well.
And it will be advisable to gather much divine help to lighten the effects from crisis and emerge unscathed. We did observe that those who had the image of Kwan Kung in their business premises had little to no impact from 1997’s and 2008’s financial crisis across asia. We suggest you get the one in a fire element robe (purple or red) because the year needs fire to overcome problems. Display his figurine facing your main door or at your work desk.
Lastly, the sounds of bells revitalizes chi and attracts business luck. You may want to consider having one that rings with very good rhythm and regularly. Hang it where there is wind outside the house.
It is highly recommended that you perform frequent space clearing of your house with sound (singing bowl) and scent (incense ingots). This will instantly wake up the revitalizing chi of your house.
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 4: Love and Happiness for LGBT
Hi Scholar,
Can you suggest amulet to have a love and happiness. I am part of LGBT community or Bisexual. I want to have a partner in life and to attract love. Can you suggest any enhancers. Thank you for non stop helping me.
Nasser Saboriendo
Hello Nasser,
Love is the main power of life, like a battery that keeps a gadget on. Love is also equal and everyone deserves love. For gay males, one can activate the northwest corner with love enhancers. For lesbians, one can activate the southwest corner with love enhancers. We have had thousands of happy results for long term sustainable relationships in the past 17 years from this one important God of Love.
To fire up romance and mutual attraction initially, you may increase love doses with the followings in the same corner:
1. Rose Quartz Hearts
2. Rose Quartz Love Tree
3. Love Amulet
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar
Special Issue
We have faced economic downturns before but the scale of devastation brought about by the Covid-19 outbreak is deep. It started as a health crisis but has now morphed into a full-scale economic catastrophe as well. The outlook is bleak and could get worse. Latest estimates see the economy moving into recession with many losing their jobs. Employers from the small and medium industries will be facing the biggest challenge of all times to sustain their businesses. We have been receiving emails asking for feng shui recommendations from all parts of the world starting middle of February 2020 in Asia and now mostly from the West. And for those who feel that you are not going to be impacted, you can also consider doing up your feng shui because this is not the time to be brave. There is no harm getting protected. Here we would like to share with you on a reply from our Feng Shui Scholar when the same question is repeatedly asked on how to solve a financial downturn.
Hello Feng Shui Scholar,
I am facing financial troubles. Any quick suggestion?
In feng shui, there is no quicker fix more favorable than using pure feng shui counting on symbolism, sacred incantations and magical objects. I will be recommending something simple, practical and effective. I am not sure how severe your status is and the background. But feng shui may help in most of the financial situations if not all.
In 2020, the Robbery Star #7 in the center palace of every home is the main culprit that robs away finances if it is not properly remedied. One should place the fulins to bite away the robbery star and suppress further financial losses due to economic crisis and recession.
Next, you will need to check if your zodiac sign is in conflict with the Tai Sui. Those who are in conflict with the Tai Sui will be most susceptible to losses and changes from good to bad. If yes, you will need to invite his Plaque home and display in the north sector of the living room as a symbol of respect.
After that, you may want to consider ushering immense prosperity energy from Annual Wealth Star #8 to enhance business acumen and promote inflow of new income. To activate this wealth star, display the Citrine Tree of Life in the northwest of your house.
And it will be advisable to gather much divine help to lighten the effects from crisis and emerge unscathed. We did observe that those who had the image of Kwan Kung in their business premises had little to no impact from 1997’s and 2008’s financial crisis across asia. We suggest you get the one in a fire element robe (purple or red) because the year needs fire to overcome problems. Display his figurine facing your main door.
Next, since it is the Year of Rat, you may want to consider giving respect to the year by recognizing its presence and tapping its capabilty of magnetizing bountiful wealth opportunities. The rat is the sign that can forage for food and supplies no matter what the circumstances. Its symbol when combined with the powerful celestial animal Chilin will bless you for two years. In 2020, display it in its direction in the north. Come 2021 the Year of Ox, since it is a secret friend of the Ox, it should be moved to the northeast to enjoy the union luck that could bring a smooth and flawless year.
If you are on the verge of losing your job and planning to go for something new, then you are advised to wear the pendant of a Red Chilin with Wings. The chilin is the most suitable guardian to help you sort out new paths and red is the fire element needed to overcome any problem associated to Covid-19.
Last but not least, if you are keen to carry along lucky charms so that you will always stay at the tip top of any chaotic situation, you may consider the following amulets:
1. Resilience Amulet – Incredibly powerful, it prevents the terrible potential for reversal of financial luck. The amulet ensures you will always maintain a healthy cash flow. Especially favorable to those in business, the amulet promises survival through good and bad times (eg recession), helps entrepreneurs and executives make all the right decisions, allowing you to sustain difficulties with resilience and always emerging unscathed.
2. Bat Lock Lucky Amulet – The God of Luck will give you a strong dosage of blessing in luck and give you new avenues of income growth. It will ensure that money earned can be saved with the bat lock.
3. Anti Financial Loss Amulet – If you have investments or stocks stuck in the market or have a business that is still running, then you ought to use this amulet to prevent your hard earned money from being robbed by the financial downturn.
4. Tai Sui Amulet – This is a must have if your zodiac is in conflict with the Tai Sui, else you will suffer the wrath from his punishment. No matter what remedies you put forth in other feng shui aspects, as long as you do not bring the Tai Sui to your side, you will face a difficult year ahead.
Hope this helps. May you find good health, good luck, good fortune and prosperity always. Stay safe and happy always.
Feng Shui Scholar
Issue #21
Question 1: Do cures need to be changed every year? What is best when facing promotion challenges? What can be done to ensure a smooth labor?
Hi, Good day to you. I have previously purchased a few feng shui items from your store and I am interested in purchasing a couple more. I had a question on what I have purchased before. Do previously purchased items have to be replaced? Like after a certain duration, do we have to change them or we can just cleanse them?
My husband has a dragon tortoise and a ru yi at work which he has felt has created the right energy for his career. He just changed to a new role and there are some challenges. For cures pertaining to one’s work, must it always be placed in the office or can we also place it at home? His job is a 24/7 role which means he needs to be connected to work if the need arises. Recently, there has been several problems at work that he has been having to wake up in the middle of the night to follow up on issues. Is there any cure that we can place by his bedside (or anywhere else in the home) to ensure things will be smooth at night and he can get proper rest without disruption?
I now have a question for myself. I am due to give birth in Oct. I had a tough labor and recovery with my first pregnancy. What cure would you suggest for women wishing for a smooth labor and a healthy child and mum. Thank you.
Hi Shanthini,
It depends.
1. For example the Tai Sui Plaque and Tai Sui Talisman will need to be replaced because every year the Tai Sui deity is different. There are 60 grand dukes.
2. For baguas and windchimes that are used to cure poison arrows from external environment, you have to change every one year because their energies get drained very quickly.
3. For other statues of deities and buddhas, you do NOT change them. They stay for good with you and will continue to bless you till the end.
4. For cures against strong afflictions such as 5 Yellow and 2 Illness, you will need to exercise your own discretion. You may change annually. But if you are on budget, you can try smoking them with genuine “sandalwood” incense ingots.
5. Whenever you feel they are no longer warding off the afflictions, quickly add more dosages of cure.
6. As for enhancers, when you need better streams of income, just add on dosage by getting more new items. You can keep enhancers for a lifetime.
Next, to address career challenges, you may consider the Royal Power Elephant. The precious elephant is a powerful symbol of tibetan buddhism for victory. It is able to stump on any obstacles along the way. It can be placed at home too. At his home work desk or in the universal career north corner. Promotion and salary increase will most likely be followed by more work on the shoulder. This is a good problem. However, if you have specific wishes to achieve, you may let him have the Desire Actualized Amulet under his pillow or hung on his side of the bed.
The question pertaining to smooth labor is far more important concern than your husband’s career. For pregnant ladies, it is very important to make sure the health is always at the tip top to enable a smooth labor and healthy child.
a. Firstly, this is the Year of Rat. Your child is therefore going to be having the zodiac Rat. It is therefore very important to recognize the year’s zodiac. At the same time the symbol of chilin is always also a connotation of having a strong baby born in a particular year. Therefore display the Chilin Boosted Fortune Rat combination in the north.
b. Secondly, make sure that your main door has no poison arrows from the exterior environment, not afflicted by negative energies and is well protected. Normally the main door is where all the luck starts and also the path where any untoward happenings is brought into the house. And you must not screw or nail anything during pregnancy. Therefore, the best is to get a pair of Fulin Dogs to protect the maindoor at all times. It will also help in the year where the violent star #7 in the center is spreading its malevolent energies to all directions and where its job is to rob. It can rob away lives, health, family happiness, finances etc. Therefore those who are pregnant need to be extra cautious this year to ensure both mother and baby need to stay safe..
c. Then make sure the annual #5 and annual #2 are both properly combatted for good health the entire year. The annual #5 must be cured with Sun And Moon Pagodas and the annual #2 must be addressed with the Double Wulous.
d. Last but not least, wear the Goddess of Mercy pendant to obtain her blessing and protection of both mother and child. The compassionate Goddess of Mercy is the best motherly bodhisattva to help you conceive a child smoothly and safely.
Good luck to you and your family.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 2: Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse Cures
Hi Feng Shui Scholar,
I own a shop that opens its door widely every day along a main road in Singapore. I read a facebook post by a feng shui master that the Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse must be avoided else it could bring bad luck for up to 2 years. I cannot shutter the shop when things like the solar and lunar eclipses happen. It is not possible for everybody to hide at home when eclipses happen and the master has no cure for it. Can you advise if there are cures for such situations?
Best regards,
Ms Tan
Hi Ms Tan,
Firstly, we like to confirm that the solar and the lunar eclipses can bring misfortunes to those who are exposed to its rays. Its detrimental effects can last up to 5 years to be exact, and not merely 2 years. From feng shui point of view, they bring malevolent energies because of the inequibilirium of yin and yang. In ancient times, this phenomenon is known as the Sky Dog Eating the Sun or Sky Dog Eating the Moon. During the solar eclipse, ancient people would come out at large to bang on their metal pots aloud on the streets to create massive “yang energy” to protect against such inequibilirium and also to scare away the Sky Dog.
Even though the sun is covered for a short period of time during the eclipse, that is already enough for dark forces of other dimensions to cast their notorious forces in bringing misfortunes to the people. It is also the time when the heavens are incapable of watching over the evils and ghosts, being the reason why black magicians will conduct their rituals during such hours where their success rate will be 100%. Unfortunately some would fall prey to death charms after the solar eclipses.
The solar eclipse was also viewed by ancient palace wizards to be a sign of undesired change of the emperor, no matter how powerful he was. In modern times, this translates to the change of a government, like what had just happened to Malaysia in February 2020 after a solar eclipse happened above Malaysia in December 2019. From the household perspective, it can translate to undesired changes to the happiness and finances of a family, particularly in career or financial losses of the patriarch.
On the other hand, the lunar eclipse can cause relationship break ups, divorces, family disintegration and unhappiness. This has to be avoided too.
To avoid it, one will need to stay indoor at home with all “chi entry points” such as doors and windows closed.. For those who don’t have that kind of luxury, one can remedy this by bringing out a pair of Mantra Enhanced Fu Dogs on a table facing the main door. The main door is where all the bad chi or dark forces would choose to enter from. Fu Dogs are extremely “yang” and powerful guardians that can vanquish away such type of malevolent energies. In your case, if it is not convenient to place the Fu Dogs permanently at your entrance to the shop, you can keep them and bring them out again each time you need their assistance. For homes, we normally will advise that the Mantra Enhanced Fu Dogs are placed at the main entrance permanently for protection the entire time, especially this year where the Violent Star #7 is so aggressively robbing everyone’s happiness, finances and health and affecting doors that are facing all directions.
Next, you may consider playing with the 7 Metals Singing Bowl or ringing the Bell for that one minute when the full eclipse happens. Remember that all evil spirits are unable to withstand the south of metal on metal, as a result they cannot come near to your space when you do that. Even the exorcists are getting them from us for their rituals.
If you have been exposed to the solar eclipse before you are able to implement the cure and like to avoid the detrimental effects which may hit on you anytime in the next five years, you can wear the divine Dorje Safety Pendant. It is inscribed with the taoist talisman of “REMOVAL OF MISHAPS, DISASTERS, ACCIDENTS AND NEGATIVIES”.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 3: Boosting Stock Market Luck
Hi Scholar,
A very good morning. You helped me gained in gold back in 2013, and I am always grateful for that. Do you have any tips on how to activate luck in stock market so that I can see opportunities and ride on the correct ones.
Hello Santa,
First and foremost, two simple steps must be done to safeguard and protect your luck first before one can consider activating “windfall luck”. Playing with stocks is in this category.
In 2020, the Robbery Star #7 in the center palace of every home is the main culprit that robs away finances if it is not properly remedied. Its ultra-aggressive malevolent energy is spread towards the 8 directions. One should place the Fulins in the center and another pair of Mantra Enhanced Fu Dogs flanking the maindoor to bite away the robbery star and suppress further financial losses due to economic crisis and recession. We have to emphasize how important this step is.
Next, you will need to check if your zodiac sign is in conflict with the Tai Sui. Those who are in conflict with the Tai Sui will be most susceptible to losses and changes from good to bad. If yes, you will need to invite his Plaque home and display in the north sector of the living room as a symbol of respect. If your house or your maindoor is facing the North, you are also susceptible to the wrath of Tai Sui.
After that, you may start to consider ushering in immense prosperity energy from Annual Wealth Star #8 to enhance business acumen and promote inflow of new income. To activate this wealth star, display the Citrine Tree of Life in the northwest of your house.
Then activate the 2020 windfall corner at the southeast. The SOUTHEAST has the arrival of the Heaven Star #6 (also known as Wu Qu Nobility White Star). Unexpected windfall is indicated if this part of the house is activated. This star will also help you recover quickly in your investments. To activate heaven’s luck effectively, you can display the Treasure Chest in this sector. With the ability to develop new avenues of wealth growth and attract windfall, the Wealth God in the Treasure Chest lets you enjoy abundance filled with likelihood of windfall together with stable income streams. Being the symbol of “heaven luck”, the Wealth God magnetizes prosperity and unexpected financial gains.
Last but not least, it is always advisable to carry along or have with you the Pi Yao Abacus amulet or the Heaven’s Flag Amulet that protects you from obstacles and at the same time paves way to incredible windfall.
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 4: What if the Almanac says this is a Bad Month to Open a New Business?
Hi FS Scholar,
I am planning to launch my business this July. But I saw your recent post about 5th month and it is not advisable because it’s not good for new ventures. However, in the almanac, it also says 6th and 7th lunar months are not good for grand openings (which I was trying to avoid). Unfortunately, my products are perishables. Is there anything I can do or cures to buy so I can still push through with my plan?
Maria Padios-Robles
Hello Maria,
There are ways to avert anything untoward for starting a new business in 5th lunar month. To protect against all odds, you may hang the Lucky Windmill facing the door of your business premises.
This is a very common practice of taoist practitioners where they go to the temples to obtain the lucky windmill.
Next is to invite the Quiren to be placed at the cash register to navigate through difficulties and elevate sales. The Quiren is very effective in giving you hidden hands in overcoming all obstacles and bringing you the needed customers.
Lastly, you should consider carrying the Piyao which is said to clear all obstacles and obstructions from a bad period selected for opening a business.
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar
Issue #22
Question 1: Ill Winds Affecting Mother and Daughter
My daughter has a bad case of acne and her period is irregular. Is there any Fengshui remedy for this? We are trying different things but it’s not helping. We already consulted doctors. But it’s the same. My feet has been hurting for around 4-5 months whenever I walk or stand up after a long sitting or when I get up from bed when I wake up. I actually even considered going to the hospital to have it checked. But since I am so afraid of CoVid exposure, I decided to buy your health and longevity amulet and my condition improved. So I am hoping maybe there is something that can help my daughter’s case.
Hi Maria,
These are very specific problems that need more detailed analysis. We are not sure if you are ready for a one time full analysis of the house by our feng shui master from hong kong.
Anyway, from a more general point of view, what you can do is to focus on the matriach corner and eldest daughter corner according to the bagua to look for hints if the health problems arise from there.
The martriach corner is in the Southwest corner of your house. Meanwhile, the eldest daughter’s corner is in the Southeast. The back bone is the main support of your body. Therefore any structural damage in the southwest can lead to pain in the backbone of yours. And all structural damages in the SW must be fixed. On the other hand, acne and irregular period is associated to blood issues. Check that in the southeast, anything that is cluttered must be removed and particular check for piping/tap/sewerage problems that need to be fixed properly.
To nourish the SW, all you need to do is to introduce fire or earth to that area. Best is the display natural crystals made from rose quartz in this sector. Rose quartz is fire within earth element which will benefit the southwest. A traditional enhancer for this will be displaying the Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks in this direction.
To nourish the SE, it is best to introduce water or wood energy in this sector. For example blue faceted crystal ball or blue jewel at the side table where she sleeps will be excellent. Glass crystal is water in earth element. It gives the feeling of frozen water and is a good representation of water element.
Good luck to you and your daughter.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Response from her later: “Ah. Got it! It makes sense. Now I understand. Her acne became this bad after we did some changes in SE corner and also SW corner.”
Question 2: Feeling Lethargic After Staying at Home Most of the Time
Hi Feng Shui Scholar,
I feel very tired lately, am unable to sleep well at night. I feel more tired than usual. I have been working from home after the pandemic started. I am eating home cooked food that is healthy and exercising alot. Can feng shui help. Please only suggest to me traditional cures.
Thank you,
Hi Becca,
If your health deteriorates after you started to spend more time at home (eg. more than 8 hours per day for the past 90 days), then most probably your home’s feng shui may be giving you such issues. If the “chi” is good, you should be enjoying tip top health.
But first, you may want to do a full medical checkup to make sure that everything is alright first. Also, sometimes taking plant based food, goji berry, vitamin B complex, vitamin C and fruit juices can help to revitalize your body back to its good shape. Eating right is equally important.
Next, enter your home from the main entrance and see if there is any pathway, room or corner of the house that is too dark. This include the furnishings and wall colors. The ceiling must not be black or dark in color. They will put your health in jeopardy if they are too dark. We had come across a young healthy man who moved into house with totally black interiors and he soon became very ill and died within 3 years. His mother came to us for advice, but he refused to change anything in the beginning. That was really a sad case that could have its ending changed for the better.
But there are cases where even when the walls are white and there are plenty of windows around, the house may still look dark and gloomy. Such are cases of “yin formation”. Yin energies magnify further during months of Qing Ming, 5th lunar month and Hungry Ghost Festival (7th lunar month). Proper space clearing with singing bowl and genuine sandalwood incense ingots need to be performed weekly for such houses. You will feel and instant difference after doing that. Placement of feng shui artifacts and symbols in the long term will also be unavoidable to increase its “yang energy”. Yes, feng shui objects are considered as “yang”. Lights in certain areas may need to be turned on 24/7. Health condition and mental fogging will get cleared eventually after a few weeks.
Next, check three important areas:
1. Your stove and the kitchen – make sure that there is no beam above the stove suppressing it and there is no #2 and #5 affliction in the kitchen. If there is a beam above it, hang a pair of brass flutes over the beam. If there is such affliction, make sure that you cure with strong cures such as the 8 Immortals Wulous and the Sun and Moon 5 Element Pagodas.
2. Your main door – make sure that there is no annual affliction arriving at your main door. If yes, do cure them with annual cures. And check that there is no “shar chi” pointed at your main door from your neighbours opposite. In general, an all time protection will be to have a pair of Mantra Enhanced Fu Dogs guarding the main door or sitting on a table facing the maindoor from the foyer inside. The main door is where all the bad chi or dark forces would choose to enter from. Fu Dogs are extremely “yang” and powerful guardians that can vanquish away such type of malevolent energies.
3. Your bed – make sure that there is no mirror reflecting any part of your bed. If yes, please cover the mirror with stickers or wall paper. Having hanging lights and ceiling fan above your bed is also absolutely a taboo. Remove them including the fan hook. Fan hook can lead to suicide hanging in the long term. Check that there is no beam above your bed and the ceiling must be totally flat. If not, you will need to hang the brass flutes. It is always a good practice to display the 100 Wulous Plaque on the wall of your bed or next by the side table next to your bed for health protection.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 3: New to Feng Shui and Seeking for Help
Hi Feng Shui masters,
I love your website and I have bought several pieces on your website. I just recently moved and bought a new apartment as I am making renovations. I am just trying to apply Feng shui by myself to the best of my ability but I am confused about a basic Feng shui application:
1) Bagua application: How to apply the Bagua? I am confused if I need to apply it by standing facing my apartment entrance door, standing facing the door (career area) OR if standing facing my door, I should look at my compass looks like I am facing SW direction, which means is Love & Relationships?
2) Office space in a home – Of course, COVID makes all work from home, I set up my working table in the living room as I don’t have other rooms to work, and I don’t want to know If there are any best practices on that regard. Best position facing. color of the table, etc.
3) My apartment entrance door faces directly my bedroom. This is something I cannot change. A cure for that, I thought I could paint the bedroom door in a dark color for protection, like chocolate brown/black. Do you think this is a good idea? if not, what other cure options I have?
Lastly, I would like a recommendation of qualified Feng Shui masters in NYC to have a full consultation.
Hello Eva,
You will need to imagine elevating yourself to the helicopter view and looking down at your floor plan. Draw a tic-tac-toe with nine equal squares on your house plan. The best is to stand in the center of the house and find where the north is. Once you have the north, the rest of the 7 other directions will fall into their places accordingly.
It is always best to face any one of your four directions according to your kua number. Facing the SW does not mean you will attract love and relationship. The color of the table is best light in color. Never go for dark tones. Then set up with enhancers that will build your reputation (fame) and connections in order to help elevate your career. But mostly, what you should focus on is protection against petty people who may want to pull you down in the corporate world. Two popular ones that are very much sought after are the Five Element Horses and the Eagle Totem.
Are you living in a studio apartment. You should have something set in between the door and the bed eg a partition or a curtain.
We do have our own panel master from Hong Kong who does a far better job. We only link the service to our clients. All proceeds go directly to the master.
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 4: Water Filter Direction, Fish Tank in the NE, Increasing Music Ability and Stopping Son from Telling Lies
Hi FS Scholar,
Here are the birthdates of who live in the house. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Father 13/11/1957
Mother(me) 13/7/1968
Son 7/5/2007
1. I have my water filter in the centre in the kitchen and can’t move it. Is it ok there or would there be a remedy to use so I can leave it there? Also, have a fish tank in North East is that ok?
2. Is there anything to help us to have the motivation to exercise and eat healthily. We are all overweight.
3. Is there anything else to increase music ability. I ordered two pi pa.
4. Is there anything for my son and me for running late/always rushing.
5. Is anything to stop my son telling lies.
Many thanks
Hello Julie,
The guardian star of the Father is #7 (metal element). His guardian star is moderate. Therefore his luck needs to be boosted with elemental intervention. Using strong earth elements such as natural stones and crystals will be very beneficial to him. You may consider placing the six yellow fluorite balls next to his bedside.
The guardian star of the Mother is #1 (water element). Your guardian star is weak and therefore more susceptible to harm. Therefore your luck needs to be boosted with elemental intervention. Using strong metal elements such as metal ornaments and enhancers will be beneficial to you. You may consider having a string of powerful 9 Emperor Coins by your side of the bed.
The guardian star of the Son is #2 (earth element). His guardian star is very strong and therefore he is less susceptible to harm. There is no need to proactive elemental intervention unless his bedroom is not ideal for him.
1. It is alright to have a water filter in the center of the kitchen unless it is facing the cooking stove. If it is, then water clashes with fire and you may want to move the water filter away. In general a fish tank in the NE is not ideal unless you have Water Star #8 in that direction. Water in the NE will sink the mountain and give problems to luck in Period 8. You may move your fish tank to safer locations such as the east, southeast and north of your house (provided they are not bedrooms).
2. In feng shui, overweight is not considered as a problem :). In the past only the rich could afford to be overweight, therefore there is no cure developed in feng shui to address overweight. You will need to emphasize on self discipline on weight management if you are inclined to losing weight.
3. It should be sufficient. But if you like to add more dosage, you can also activate the annual Wen Chang Star #4 which is the star of creativity and special talents. You may display the Fortune Bamboo in the southwest.
4. Haha. Again this is self discipline. However, this happens normally due to procrastination. There is one enhancer that is very popular among feng shui practitioners to speed things up, which is the Horse on Swallow.
5. Telling lies is common among kids. Most importantly is they will grow out of such a habit as they get older. It is therefore very important to ensure they move towards the correct path. You may want to give him this specail amulet to be hung beside his bed or carried along in his school bag.
Also very important is to ensure that he knows who the chief is to suppress his inclination towards telling lies. You may want to increase your authority luck as the mother of the family by displaying a powerful set of Ru Yi in the southwest corner of the house or living room.
Good luck to you and your family.
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar
Issue #23
Question 1: How to Remedy Missing Corner in the Southeast
Is there one or more remedies on your site to compensate and heal a missing sector? The missing sector is in the South-East, wealth sector. What do you suggest to set up, in the outer area of the habitat, in the area of the missing sector? When a sector is missing what happens if this zone is affected by a 5 or 2 star? In 2021, the SE is distressed. Is it more damaging or ultimately the incidence of these stars has no real effect ?? On the other hand, I set up monthly remedies: what do you recommend to store these correctly until next use? Do you deprogram them of their intention before putting them away?I am living in France. Thank you for your help.
Miss Degroote
Hi Ms Degroote,
The implications and effects of having missing sectors in your house is based on the principle called Early Heaven Bagua and Later Heaven Bagua. The Early Heaven Bagua represents time factor and governs health, while the Later Heaven Bagua represents the direction factor and governs wealth.
SE corner has DUI TRIGRAM as its Early Heaven and XUN TRIGRAM as its Later Heaven. Dui represents the youngest daughter (below 16 years old) and Xun represents eldest daughter (above 16 years old). A missing SE corner can mean that the health of the youngest daughter may be affected and the career/studies of the eldest daughter cannot excel.
The SE corner also represents wood industries such as Interior Designer, Artist, Project Manager, Florist etc. Individuals with a career in this area may not see progress if they stay in this house.
And most importantly, SE also represents wealth and abundance. A house that is missing in SE will see that money is difficult to be saved and there is more money going out faster than money coming in.
The classic cure to fix this problem and make up the missing corner is to have its “directional horoscope animal” stationed in your house. It is better if you can station its symbol in the SE corner of a prominent area such as a foyer or the living room or the wall that is adjacent to the missing corner. In this case, I would recommend the 9 Dragons Plaque to be the best symbol to have for your case. Not only will it make up the missing wealth corner, the 9 Dragons themselves are also a powerful symbol of wealth and abundance that will arrest any wealth leakages of your house.
The presence of the dragons is to make up the missing element (small wood) and its benevolent benefits to the house. It does not mean that a new space will be created by the presence of the dragon. Without a physical space in the SE, any bad combination of 2-5 will not have an opportunity to stay in the space. Your SE is missing, therefore there is no space to contain the evil stars. They won’t enter your house because your SE corner does not exist. The Nine Dragon Cure needed to be placed in another location of your house is to make up the missing element of SE that is suppose to be benevolent to you.
We not recommend remedying the monthly stars every month. We emphasize on remedying annual stars from the beginning of the year one time deal. As long as the annual stars are properly remedied, they will be neutralized properly. Any incoming monthly stars cannot create any harm to you at all. However, if you are keen on remedying monthly stars, you can move the monthly cures from one sector to another. But the annual cures must not be touched. You will need to at least smoke the monthly cures with genuine sandalwood incense ingots to revitalize their “chi”. This way, they are always refreshed.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 2: Toilet in the Northwest, Fireplace in the East, Stairs Near the Main Door and Maindoor Facing Backdoor
Hi Feng Shui Scholar,
I’m safely being in quarantine, away from the covid pandemic; that’s because I’ve moved into a new house in the countryside along the way. Since I’m in a new house, I’ve gotten into feng shui again and I’m doing my research again. So starting off my feng shui research, in the northwest area of the house, there is a bathroom, which includes a sink, shower, and toilet. Adding on with my northwest situation, I also have a laundry room, which also includes a drying machine and washing machine. With another trouble spot, when I open the main front door, I see the stairs right away. Then I see a hallway leads into the glass doorway in the back of the house. Another thing that worries me is a fire chimney that’s located in the eastern area of my house, which is ruled by the wood element. What kind of cures will help my situation with the NW & East Area? Is there a solution to be found with my problems with the main door? Why are there feng shui troubles so dangerous to the house occupant?
Thank you,
Amy Mioe
Hi Amy,
Congratulations for moving into a new home. And better still when it is in the countryside where you can enjoy safety from health threats. This will be very reassuring. Yes, first thing first, always check the feng shui of a new house because the feng shui of a house surely changes a person’s destination!
Having a sink, shower, toilet and laundry in the NW will harm the patriarch luck of the family as it will drain away his energy, but not as bad as having fire in the same sector which is the worst condition in the NW. Therefore you will need to try to minimize the chi in the NW from being drained away. If you cannot abstain from using the bathroom and laundry, then the next best thing to do is to hang a 5 Rods Pagoda Windchime in the bathroom and laundry to suppress the chi from being drained away. If you can hang it directly above the drain holes, by all means do that. If you cannot, then try to hang it by the corners and not above the space where one would stand for long daily so that it will not suppress the energy of persons below it.
The windchime will minimize the chi in the NW from being drained away, but not totally stop it. Therefore you should considering boosting the elements and properties associated to NW. To make it up, you can place a Clear Quartz Dog figurine in the NW corner of the house or the NW corner of your living room (small tai chi). The dog is the 12 animal sign associated to the NW direction and carries all the chi characteristics of the NW that brings about benevolent energy back to your house.
Having the stairs where “falling chi” from upstairs rushing mercilessly and hitting the main door is considered a “shar chi”, which is not so favorable. The maindoor will be affected and this can bring poor feng shui because in feng shui the maindoor is the most important feature of the house. If you can reach the ceiling, you may hang the 6 bells 8 Spoke Dharmachakra above the first and last step of the stairs and one or two along any landings in between. If you cannot, then you may hang them on long hooks from the wall along the stairs. This cures will slow down the rushing chi and let it meanders and collect before moving to the next level.
A fireplace’s effects is like a kitchen stove. The fire element is not considered as serious as the one in the kitchen, mainly because you only use the fire place for 3 months in a year during winter, but you have to turn on the stove for cooking throughout the year. And a fireplace in the east is not as bad has in the northwest. Just make sure you do not have family portraits and inviduals’ photos placed there else they will have misfortunes. Then placed the Earth Cure to counter the fire energy exerted from the fireplace.
But what is more threatening is the chimney. It is like a big needle that pierced through the east portion of the house. The Early Heaven Bagua of the east is “li trigram” (representing middle daughter above 16 years old) and the Later Heaven Bagua of the east is “zhen trigram” (representing eldest son above 16 years old). The Early Heaven governs the health factor of the house while the Later Heaven governs the wealth factor of the house. This means that the middle daugther’s health can become poor and the eldest son’s career may not be smooth. You can boost the properties and element of the east by having this special ornament of Rabbit and Dog placed in the east to strengthen the east. The Rabbit is the 12 animal sign associated to the east direction and its secret friend is the dog, where its presence will magnify its power further.
And remember that one of the taboos of a fireplace is to ensure it is not located in the sectors where there are water and mountain stars #5 located. You may want to check that. Also take note that in 2020, the east has Annual #5 Yellow in the east. When the fire starts burning in the winter months, this can cause serious health problems to the entire household, long term illnesses and sometimes fatality. Please make sure that you use a strong cure for 5-Yellow placed at the fireplace.
Lastly, having your maindoor that is aligned to the backdoor through a long pathway is not ideal. It means any chi that enters your main door will rush out towards the back door. No chi can stay in the house for long, which implies that poor money luck is indicated. You slow down the rushing chi by hanging a few of the Mantra Wheel Windwhimes along the long pathway.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 3: What to Prepare When Moving into a New House?
Hi Feng Shui Master,
I have a new house to be completed early 2021 and
My front door is facing NE . Any fengshui advice
To make my house prosperous and encourage good luck to homeowners.
Thanks for your help
Adele Sy
Hello Adele,
Congratulations! We are happy to hear the news.
In general, the NE is where the Tai Sui is sitting in 2021. Therefore, a maindoor facing the NE is confronting Tai Sui. In upcoming months, we will reveal to public the cures for Tai Sui 2021 which you can check out later.
But do make sure you that you get a feng shui door banner hung at the main door when moving in.
A pair of door gods plaque to protect the door and a pair of fudogs are the basic requirements to ensure protection and safety of the new household.
An auspicious rice urn will also be crucial to ensure that abundance for the family.
Then hang the Gold 9 Emperor Coins at the back portion of the house so that it will never be lack of support from important people.
The info about a front door facing NE is overly general to fully understand what it takes to make the house prosperous. For a new house, it is worthwhile to have a full scale feng shui audit performed to evaluate on how to optimize the luck of the house and the occupants before any renovation is done. Proper furniture placement in all sectors will ensure a lifetime of success. This is to save money and prevent painful changes later.
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar
Issue #24
Question 1: Can Change in the Sitting and Facing of an Individual Elevate the Luck Quickly?
Hi Feng Shui Scholar,
My bed room is in the southwest – house is facing east – and I am a Kua 7 – west Element – Metal . the Annual Star is 3 – and the mountain and water star i do not know – I been having setbacks- and I am Struggling . Where Should i sit and Direction i should face to help me improve my situation?
The Savior
Hi Savior,
The kua number helps you to identify what your good and bad directions are. But it will not necessarily elevate your luck quickly during times of hardship. But in the long run, it could be useful. Let me explain. The house you are living in is like a container that contains “chi”. They are invisible to you. Every year, each sector of your house will be either invaded by “chi” that carries misfortunes or blessed with “chi” that carries auspicious energy. This is the prime factor that governs ones luck. An individual changing his sitting and facing direction will not change the “chi distribution” of the house.
If you are only facing setback in this specific year, it is most probably due to two factors:
1. Annual Flying Stars
2. Your zodiac luck
An obvious problem that I can see is your house facing the east is facing 3-Killings. Individuals will be suffering from three types of bad luck and in many cases fatality. You may easily cure the problem with the 3 Chilins.
The other obvious problem is your bedroom in the southwest, which is afflicted by Quarrelsome Star #3. You may easily cure the problem with 100 Piece Fengsiye.
You ought to consider curing the two problems above at minimal in order for you to see if you could experience a reversal from bad luck. It is really that simple.
Hope this helps. Wishing you quick recovery.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 2: I am Tiger. Why am I Not High Flying this Year?
Hi Feng Shui Scholar,
I read that my horoscope luck is suppose to be excellent this year. I should be seeing success in every area. It has already been June, but I do not see that my luck is better than 2020. Why? I had an amazing year in 2020 after using your cures and stuffs. Since they are blessing me so well, I did not remove any of the old ones and maintained where they are until now. Aren’t they suppose to work for many years?
Thank you,
Toni Zacchary
Hi Toni,
The reason you had a successful year in 2020 was because you used the appropriate annual cures and enhancers. As mentioned on our website before, using cures and enhancers will be vital to subdue unfavorable outcome and materialize favorable ones. Preparing to counter setbacks will help you stay on top of things. They have the power to bring negative issues or bad occurrences to an end and convert negative outcomes into positive ones, resulting in a lot of seemingly problematic obstacles becoming blessings in disguise.
Although, the Tiger is pre-destined for an excellent year, you will need to use the recommended enhancers to “release” the good luck. If you don’t do anything about them, you will only let the opportunities pass. The luck activation practice is like creating new inroads to manifest. Do take a look at your zodiac luck again.
Yes, all our enhancers are good for many years, but for intended purposes. Items that benefit certain aspects in 2020 for y ou may not apply to your situation in 2021. For example in 2020, your zodiac constellation is afflicted and benefit from a certain cure. But this cure is no longer applicable in 2021 because that affliction no longer exist, and the same cure’s existence can no longer boost further luck to you in 2021 to make you more successful than in 2020. Hope this explains.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 3: What You Need To Pay Attention To When Your Career Is Going Downhill?
Hi Feng Shui Master,
My studio apartment is facing NE. There is a pool in front. My work desk is at the east corner facing east. I joined a multinational online payment company last year and was earning good commission monthly. But since February, things have started to turn against me. My supervisor had given me a warning letter yesterday. I may have made a small mistake, but I haven’t violated any company rule. He is just so irrationale. What should I do to improve my career?
Hope you can respond,
Hello Jake,
When one faces a sudden fall in career luck in a particular year, there are two afflictions one has to quickly look into. They cause obstacles, misunderstanding and people to people relationship:
1. Tai Sui
2. 3-Killings
In general, the NE is where the Tai Sui is sitting in 2021. Therefore, your studio apartment facing the NE is confronting Tai Sui. Your zodiac is unknown to us therefore we are unable to tell if you are in conflict with Tai Sui. However, one thing for sure is that when your house is facing Tai Sui, all individuals staying in the house will automatically be confronting Tai Sui. The Tai Sui Plaque placed in the NE sector will help alleviate this problem.
Next, your work desk in the east is where the 3-Killings is located. You should either move your work desk away to another sector or you can display the 3 Chilins anywhere in the east sector.
Once the above situations are cured, you are assured the problem will be resolved! This is a clear cut case.
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar
Issue #25
Question 1: Remedy for Teeth Problems
Hi Feng Shui Scholar,
All year my teeth have been giving me problems. My bedroom is northwest which is why i know i have these issues to flying star 7. do you know of any remedy to help my situation? thanks.
Thilina Baldimar
Hi Thilina,
It shouldn’t be related to your bedroom in the NW sector.
Teeth are actually located in the mouth.
According to early heaven bagua which governs the health factor of the house, mouth is associated to the southeast direction (dui). This year, the southeast is afflicted by Five Yellow Star which is a “big illness star”. The southeast sector of your house therefore needs to be properly cured in order to remedy your mouth problem. Display the 6 White Jade Discs Blue Wulou Anrensui in the SE to remedy your problem.
Hope this helps. Wishing you quick recovery.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 2: Paid in Full but Job is Uncompleted
Hi Feng Shui Scholar,
I need some guidance. We hired a contractor to renovate our basement. Now after 4 months, he has taken our money and not completed the job. It looks like we may end up having to take legal action though it’s something we are not keen doing. But we have to recover our money as we took a loan for a big sum. Is there anything we should do in our home to clear the energy or feng shui cures that we can get to help us stride during this difficult period? Hopefully even avoiding legal proceedings. Thank you very much.
Shantini Krishna
Hi Shantini,
Your situation is equivalent to wealth leakage, which means hard earned money being reduced without your consent.
Since the rootcause is unknown and there is no feng shui clue given by you, then you should focus on stopping the leakage. Without a proper audit conducted, the scope is simply too wide to identify what is causing it. Financial loss can be due to so many things.
There are two simple things you could do though. First is to get the Pi Yao Amulet. This celestial creature is popularly known to stop wealth leakages for its owner and help you recover your financial loss. However, it may not necessarily from the specific debter and could be from other new sources of income. As long as end of the day, you can fill up your wealth jar, that would have met your goals.
Next, you can consider getting the Tai Sui Plaque. Tai Sui is the grand duke of Jupiter planet. The planet has the strongest magnetic influence to earth, next to the son. Therefore, almost all big life problems for a particular year are usually associated to the Jupiter. Inviting the Tai Sui home is a way to give respect to the grand duke and will in return reverse all the sufferings you accumulated since the start of the year.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 3: Where Should I Place the “Anrensui” When 5-Yellow is in the Kitchen?
Hi there,
Can I check with you if I could place the White Jade Disc Blue Wulou Anren Water Cure at Kitchen for flying star no. 5? If so, where should I place it? On top of the stove? Thanks for your advice.
Sujani Sutandar
Hello Sujani,
If the kitchen is located in the sector where annual 5-Yellow resides, it is extraordinarily dangerous. Yes, you should place the Wulou Anren Water Cure in the kitchen, anywhere as long as it is inside the kitchen.
Fill the jar with 2/3 of natural rock salt. Table salt cannot be used. Then fill up the jar with water from the tap.
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 4: Wife Always Complaining
Hi Scholar,
I am married for almost 4 years and have a 2-year old child. I am the sole bread winner of the family and my wife is a full time housewife. Since the pandemic, I have been working from home most of the time and our relationship had turned sour. My wife keeps comparing me with his ex-boyfriend. His ex-boyfriend is capable of earning more money. But whenever I take a rest and have my own me time, she would scold me unnecessarily. I am a gamer and I spend only 2 hours of my free time at night to play.
Kok Leng
Hello Kok Leng,
I am sorry to hear that. I must emphasize that family harmony is the utmost important thing in a home. Without family harmony, career, wealth, happiness and perhaps sexual health can fall apart. When a relationship starts, it is usually lured by good looks and when it slowly progresses then one or both parties may seek for different objectives in life. Most of the time, improvement in finances is what people seek for after marriage. Financial stagnancy can sometimes lead to relationship issues. Although money is important, but it should not be used as a measure of love.
First you can consider displaying the Dragon and Phoenix surrounding a Pot of Gold in your bedroom. The bedroom’s energy is usually what stirs issues for a couple. There could be disharmonious energies residing inside which can easily be dissipated with potent symbol and fire energy of the recommended ornament. Not only will your relationship become happy again, it will also bring to you new avenues of financial growth.
Next, you can either hang the Double Dosage Love Potion at the door knob of your bedroom or have it kept under your pillow or mattress of your bed, This is a strong remedy for troubled relationship.
After 9 weeks of placement you should see improvement. You can then start to have a conversation with your wife to sort out the differences in a proper manner and how both of you should plan to grow your love to the next level together.
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar
Issue #26
Question 1: Seeking Job Change
Hi Feng Shui Scholar,
I am unhappy with my job because my current manager sucks. Please advise me how I can get hired to another place as soon as possible.
Hi Jess,
I understand your frustrations. But don’t be too upset as you are not alone. Many of our clients are seeking to change their jobs too.
Luckily, there is an effective formula to get a job change in Flying Stars Feng Shui. In 2023, you can activate such kind of luck by displaying a figurine of Unicorn (a noble horse) in the west sector of your house or living room. Let the face of the unicorn face out towards the door or window. This is the “Yi Ma” formula, where annual star #6 is actually the Yi Ma star. In 2023, annual star #6 flies to the west sector. The location where the Yi Ma star is located is the power position of your house. You should write your wish in a piece of red paper and keep it inside the figurine of the unicorn.
A word of caution about the west sector. Since it is also the sector where it is afflicted with 3-Killings, this sector ought to be cured by the 3 Warrior Chilins made from strong metal (giving metal energy). There must also not be much disruption to this sector. This is the sector that caused employees to get laid off by their companies when not properly cured.
Hope this helps. Wishing you all the best!
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 2: Child Still Not Doing Well Despite Activating Wen Chang Star
Hi Feng Shui Scholar,
I put 4 curly green bamboo in the center of my house early this year. But my son’s studies declined. Is there anything I have done wrongly?
Hi Pam,
As a parent, you are doing it right in focusing on Wen Chang star to enhance your child’s studies. However, the annual Wen Chang Star #4 becomes weaker when it enters the center palace. Do NOT ever use “rotating bamboos”, they signify dizziness and slow progress, although they look good aesthetically. Straight bamboos aren’t so bad, but must be very vertically straight.
The safer enhancer to be placed would be either the Secret Dragon Globe or the Wen Chang Pagoda.
Do remember to remove toys, games and “entertainment” gadgets from the sector as it will disturb the star’s ability. Instead you can keep your child’s trophies or certificate of achievements in this sector.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 3: Does Feng Shui Not Work For Certain People?
Hi Scholar,
I want to try out feng shui, but am afraid it will not work. Has anyone found feng shui not work for them?
Kah Teng
Hello Kah Teng,
Yes, feng shui does not work for some people of course. Just like anything else, 100% is not possible to attain.
There is one type of person who will definitely not benefit from feng shui and that will be persons with negative traits. These are very troublesome people who always give others troubles and will be backfired with troubles for themselves. For example, in Singapore you may have seen news or videos circulating about “Karens” giving problems to others.
Good luck can only flow to “generous” minded people when they practice feng shui. Opportunities will only knock at the doors of those who are positively giving out good energies to others. Hope this answers your question.
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar
Issue #27
Question 1: Is there significance in Monthly Flying Stars?
I am a Water Ox, KUA 6 in a house sitting East facing West. I live mostly in my NW-SW zones. I know I need Magic Lo Shu as you previously answered my question last year. I haven’t ordered it yet due to funds. Should this be my Priority purchase along with my cures for Period 9 Flying stars cure?
Since I found you at the beginning of 2023, I have noticed more positive changes since I got your amulets and cures from you. I understand the yearly changes in Flying Stars and how important the cures are priority, then the enhancers are to be placed. Every month the stars move and need cures placed.
Why can’t I find a monthly report from you on monthly flying stars, what is needed to move around? Or is yours different? Confused.
I have used feng shui items from other store since 2020 and have found it is for profit for the merchant only as none of her amulets have worked. 2021 was my worst year where I lost my Magnificent Service dog suddenly in the summer at a young age and was in a major car crash by the end of 2021 that has still crippled me.
I understand that 2024 is going to be a better year for the Water OX, I need full protection, along with Wealth enhancers as I am still fighting the insurance company to pay for my disability and receipts.
I need protection for my two dogs also. (One protects me, the other is my Service dog in training).
Is there something else I can add to my dog’s bandanas for protection from negativity & harm? My plan is to win big against the insurance company.
I already have my list ready to order the items I need as listed on your page for OX in 2024, Tai Sui amulet, and 3 killings amulet, just need to know if I missed important items.
Hi Tanya,
1. House facing west is inauspicious in 2024 because #5 is in the west. It means one is prone to fatality or bankruptcy. You will need to prioritize to cure the facing palace (west sector) with the followings:
2. The Magic Loshu may not be your priority compared to the Period 9 cures and enhancers. Because Flying Stars overides 8 Mansions.
3. The Annual Stars overides Monthly Stars. The annual stars stays in the sectors for one whole year, while the monthly stars only enter sectors as visiting stars. When the Annual Stars are well subdued, the Monthly Stars has less to no power over them. This is the reason why we do not recommend that practitioners become overly worried about them. But if the annual stars are not being taken care of properly, then Monthly Stars can immediately bring disasters. For example in a sector where Annual #5 is there when visited by Monthly #5 or #2 in certain months can surely amplify the problems. By the way, there is also Daily Stars and Hourly Stars besides Monthly Stars….where we can put them aside as long as we tackle the more important Annual Stars.
4. It will be a good idea for the dog to wear a protective pendant and something made that is more longer lasting. The Propitious Path Pendant is recommended.
5. Anything that involves lawsuits will need to have #7 and 3-Killings subdued. You will need the following in the south:
6. As for monetary gains, you will need to enhance the wealth corners for maximum luck. Do check out the wealth power article. Over many years of experience, the effectiveness in achieving results by our customers has been said to be 80-90%. There have also been three first prize lottery winners over a span of 5 years.
Good Luck.
Warmest regards
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 2: Looking for the Best House to Rent
Hi Feng Shui Scholar,
I remember you used to recommend the best house to rent annually, but I cannot find the information on your website. I know that in Period 9, the south is the best direction. Should I move into a south facing house. I will be planning to move in end of January.
Thank you.
Hi Anne,
If you are looking into signing a tenancy for 2-3 years, you ought to find a house that is facing the east. This is because the facing palace has #1 in the east in 2024, followed by #9 in 2025 and #8 in 2026. Therefore east facing houses will be great to live in for three years.
Although the power spot for Period 9 is in the south, it does not necessarily mean that all south facing houses are good. But what it means is the south is where good sheng chi originates from in Period 9. Therefore, remember never to rent a house that has a missing south corner, else you will be be diving into a big hole for 20 years.
Warmest regards,
Feng Shui Scholar
Question 3: Are there any Rituals to be done on 4th February 2024?
Hi Scholar,
I have recently ordered three times from your website since Christmas. I am adding more orders with a variety of items because your item quality is superb and I am very satisfied with them.
I have a very successful period 8 by practicing feng shui. Therefore, I will repeat the same practice during this new cycle of 20 years.
Besides preparing all the important feng shui enhancers required and keeping them aside first awaiting for the date 4th February to place them, do let me know if there is anything else I need to do on that big day?
Hoping to hear back.
Hello Fei,
I am happy to hear of you benefiting from your feng shui practice through Period 9. You are right about updating your feng shui in Period 9 for continuous success and to prevent reversals of fortune.
Being proactive is good, as a good start will ensure quicker path to a blessed Period 9.
On the 4th of February, do wake up early and use the dragon hour (7.00-9.00pm) to change your feng shui items. As a rule of thumb, the dragon hour is filled with vibrant “yang energy”. To start, burn our genuine sandal wood incense ingots to smoke the house. Remove all the items that you like to retire. Then use our singing bowl to do space clearing for the entire house. After space clearing, do the placement of the cures and enhancers. Take your time and do not rush.
Feng shui masters around the world would be celebrating Period 9 with lion dance to activate the south direction. If you are not able to get the service, you can symbolically invite the Tzi Chi figurines to mark acknowledgement of Period 9 and have them placed in the south permanently throughout Period 9. The south is the power spot and it is very important to have its feng shui doubled up if you want a thriving Period 9.
You can also consider playing chinese new year songs and music throughout the day to give the whole house a festive mood and ignite happy energy. You may find them on youtube.
Bring in fresh flowers and place them in your living and dining areas, any color but white. Flowers are quite important besides burning incense as flowers exert energy from the universe that they had obtained under the moon and sun.
Avoid hostile energies. Never complain, never scold, never worry and never get sad!
Good luck,
Feng Shui Scholar