Sparkling in shiny gold and radiating strong metal energy, this stunning masterpiece celebrates the beauty and brilliance of the very important animal of outstanding fortune in feng shui. The item comes in two pieces; the figurine of Pi Yao and a 24 Mountains Plate. The 24 Mountains Plate is essential to force the alignment of cosmic forces of the cure to face an afflicted direction, especially useful for those who are not good at accuracy and precision of compass directions. Remember that the Tai Sui’s and Sui Po’s directions only span 15 degrees each and it is very easy to make mistakes with your placement; perhaps due to instability of your compass at the time of placement or unknown shift of the item’s facing after some months later. With the 24 Mountains Plate, even if the Pi Yao’s facing direction runs a little out of the actual 15 degrees span, it will work effectively as long as you place the Pi Yao facing according to the intended direction (one of the 24 directions) shown on the 24 Mountains Plate.
This Pi Yao possesses the following characteristics to produce wondrous results in countering misfortunes:
- Wings (heavenly type) – There are three types of Pi Yao, heaven, earth and water. The kind with wings signify the heaven kind with its ability to fly high and reach greater heights/goals.
- Warrior-like – the strong gestures, muscular limbs and legs make it an animal warrior. It is charming and at the same time fierce-looking (ready to fight but remain steady and calm).
- ‘Taoist incantation’ – inscribed between the neck and the stomach in front. This short incantation is known as the “Universal Tai Sui Mantra” which is applicable every year. It has been successfully used for centuries to strongly appease the wrath from the Tai Sui and Sui Po, which are both very brutal afflictions.
- Metal energy – is key to remedying afflictions from the Tai Sui and Sui Po. Metal here refers to real gold and strong metal. These are made from heavy brass and genuinely electro-plated with gold.
- Fat looking – The stomach of the Pi Yao is buldging to the front. This is the criteria that feng shui masters often look for. As oppose to skinny ones, the fat Pi Yao signifies abundance.
- Wealth magnet – the Pi Yao standing on a pile of treasure coins magnetizes prosperity.
On the other hand, the 24 Mountains Plate has the following characteristics:
- Tai Chi Symbol – complement each other according to the theory of “Yin Yang” to generate “balance”. When balance is attained, negativities diminish to give way to positivities!
- “Early Heaven” 8 Trigrams of the Bagua – are used in Taoist cosmology to represent the fundamental principles of reality, seen as a range of eight interrelated concepts. Each consists of three lines, each line either “broken” or “unbroken,” representing yin or yang, respectively.
- 45 Stars – formed by a total of nine sets of stars; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
- 8 Natures of the Trigrams – namely fire, earth, marsh, heaven, water, mountain, thunder and wind.
- 24 Mountains Names and Markings – A total of 4 cardinal directions and 4 subdirections are further divided into three directions each. For example, east is subdivided into E1, E2 and E3 and each related to a mountain’s name.
- Universal Long Tai Sui Incantation – this is the longer version of a Taoist Incantation that is used to appease the Tai Sui every year universally for all the 60 Tai Sui.
Inspired by the need to activate its true potential and power, a shy energy infused scalar tag is hidden under the figurine. This fabulous Pi Yao possesses the ability to transform negative chi into positive, overcome obstacles, prevent annual dangers caused to zodiacs, subdue bad luck, diminish obstructions, combat bodily harm and terminate stress. The Pi Yao is suitable for stimulating growth in business, securing safety for the family, warding off negativities, inviting fortune/wealth, protecting against intangible afflictions, and appeasing the Tai Sui and Sui Po. The Pi Yao is a powerful celestial creature known to absorb all the bad vibes caused by inadvertantly offending the Tai Sui, for example if you cut a tree, dig a hole, hammer a nail or unavoidably disturb the Tai Sui corner. It is common for feng shui enthusiasts to invite the pi yao to grow wealth for the household while using them to appease the Tai Sui wrath. Yes, it is like killing two birds with one stone.
Note: This Pi Yao is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.
What the Pi Yao symbolizes and how to place the celestial animal?
The Pi Yao is the most popular symbol used by Feng Shui enthusiasts as recommended by the masters. The Pi Yao is the ninth generation of the heavenly Dragon and has different names depending on where it is being sighted. The Pi Yao lives in the heaven, Pi Xiu lives on earth and Pi Kan lives in the sea. All of them brings the same blessings and possess the same properties. Pi Yao is a protective heavenly creature that has one horn, lion-dog face, hoofs and little wings and a tail. Many people prefer using the Pi Yao over Chi Lin because the Pi Yao does not have an anus and only eats but does not dispose. It has a big and infinite appetite. For the naturally greedy businessmen and merchants or housewives out there, if you intend to only have lots of money luck coming in and ensure the money never be spent, the Pi Yao is what you are looking for. The Pi Yao is also known to be very obedient to its owners as it is loyal in nature.

The Pi Yao provides a minimum of six blessings as follows:
- Ushers good luck and fortune
- Generates good feng shui or earth luck
- Elevates wealth and riches
- Protects individuals and home
- Drives away evil, obstacles and hardship
- Brings windfall luck
In olden days, the Pi Yao was invited as guardian of homes of the emperor and high officials. Because of its capabilities to drive away evil and ushering wealth, it will benefit those earning a living in the bank, finance companies, foreign exchange markets, entertainment circles, casinos, businesses, betting outlets, service industries and stock markets. It brings good luck all year round.
The Pi Yao has many functions and can be placed in different locations of your premises according to your needs:
- Place the Pi Yao anywhere in your living room (best facing the maindoor and lower than eye level of the tallest family member) if you intend to renovate your existing house or move into a new home to overcome obstacles and guard your family against bad feng shui due to alterations. It ensures good health to your family.
- If you desire good fortune, protection from evil spirits, power to counteract wicked people and the ability to overcome bad luck, you may place the Pi Yao at your work desk, reception or important areas of your living room. At the same time, the Pi Yao can ensure better authority luck for managers when placed at the Northwest sector of your workdesk.
- For those who travel long distance frequently, display the Pi Yao facing out directly at the main door (or placing one in your car) to prevent injuries, avoid accidents and ensure fruitful journeys with good business deals. Putting the Pi Yao in this position will also promise good fortune that enters your house being trapped in the stomach of Pi Yao and its fierce look can ward off evil spirits. The Pi Yao can also identify wicked people and prevent them from harming you.
- You may place the Pi Yao at the sector where the annual “Tai Sui” (Grand Duke Jupiter) resides and the “Sui Po” location to appease the bad influence. The Pi Yao is excellent in helping people who are experiencing bad luck due to other bad annual stars too.