This sweet figurine in feminine rose quartz is always on the lookout for romance and love. Radiant and graceful, it has its own stylish way to bring harmony, romance and glamour on stage. It is especially recommended to activate the Tao Hua Love Luck for those born under zodiacs ox, rooster and snake according to the lunar calendar. For those seeking for fame luck, you may also place this horse at your work desk, in the south corner of your living room or by your bedside.
What horse symbolizes and how to place this object?
Horse is a zodiac sign in chinese astrology and one of the 7 Treasures of Buddhism. Its element is fire and its direction is in the south. It is therefore associated to fame, popularity and recognition in ones life. The horse is an emblem of speed, perseverance and success. There is a popular phrase used for centuries in a chinese saying “arrival of horse brings success”. This phrase is commonly used to greet people who wish to start a new year, a new endeavour, a new business, an important examination and an important project. In ancient times, the horse will be used as carriage for grand arrival of warriors who won battles, bringing back victory and all sorts of precious jewellery.This animal exerts very “yang” energy which signifies success, victory, strength, power, perseverance, speed and elegance.
Horses are associated to fame. Fame luck is an important aspiration of life as it is indirectly related to increasing income luck in your career life. Businessmen, employees and Hollywood artistes are likely to crave a lot for fame luck to ensure their fortune continue to grow exponentially, especially in this highly competitive environment. The horse is men’s best friend too besides the dog and is extremely loyal.
This horse may be placed in different locations depending on your aspiration:
- To activate Peach Blossom Luck for singles (those born under zodiacs ox, rooster and snake) who are seeking relationship and marriage luck, place this figurine in the south of your bedroom, south quarter of your house, south of your living room and even south sector of your workdesk.
- Display the horse on your desk to ensure your work is always recognized by your bosses and your goals are always met. It will also help you create significant differentiator between you and your peers in the hearts of management. Ensure your talents and hard work is acknowledged by the right people.
- For those public faces, gain fame by putting this horse in the south sector of your living room or family area. It will bring upward mobility in all aspects of your life.
Note: The Crystals offered by Feng Shui Bestbuy is cleansed by the singing bowl prior to customer shipment, to ensure refreshment of good chi when they reach you. Also note that natural crystals from earth may have uneven textures and colors, natural inclusions or original internal lines/cracks in them which may extend to the surface. These are not flaws or damages. They are absolutely fine from a feng shui perspective and would not make natural crystals less perfect compared to manmade items.