Online Feng Shui Befriender


ID: FM200

Consultation Description
If you are looking for a higher ticket plan, this is a value added service to help those who are keen to have daily email communication with our feng shui befriender for 30 days. It is suitable for those who like to continue having conversations that go beyond the scope of our regular sales personnel, for example to talk about your daily luck problems, address your multiple feng shui curiosities, your personal life, your multiple feng shui concerns, your interest to explore more about our feng shui items, to describe to you each of our items that you may be interested in etc.

One full time feng shui befriender will be assigned to cater fully to your needs and keep in touch with you on a daily basis. All communcations will be done via email on a daily basis, but limited to one email per day (including weekends) and answering to one question per email. You will never feel neglected again and can have all relevant questions answered in a timely manner! And the person will spend one hour per day to study your email and give you a desired answer. Additional charges apply if you have more than one question or topic per day.

Your feng shui befriender will provide you with laser focus coaching so that you will attain more confidence in your feng shui exploration.

You are encouraged to engage this service to stay in touch.

This service does not include Offline Home Audit Service (natal chart etc), Auspicious Day Selection Service, Bazi Reading or Feng Shui Training/Tutorship.

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