Made from finger joined board of solid peach wood with natural finishing, it is extremely suitable for blending into homes with modern design. It features the EARLY HEAVEN arrangement of the bagua eight trigrams with a concave mirror in the center. This meets the criteria of a standard traditional bagua used to counter poison arrows and warding off evil spirits. Its back is inscribed with a Taoist Magic Talisman that empowers the bagua. Chinese characters “zhen zhai pi xie” (suppress disasters and subdue evil) and “hua sha zhao chai” (dissolve poison arrows and invite wealth) are positive affirmations influencing the bagua.
What Bagua symbolizes and how to place the object?
A good bagua mirror is in octagonal shape, usually framed in wood and measures about 4 to 7 inches across. It has the eight trigrams marked around the outside with a round mirror in the center. The bagua mirror is easy to use and inexpensive protection method for “shar chi” or poison arrows. The bagua mirror is used massively in “Form School of Feng Shui”, which was the first and oldest feng shui school dating back to Song Dynasty (AD960-1279). Form School of Feng Shui which is the basis of all schools of feng shui overides other school of thoughts when certain shapes and formation in an environment is not in a desirable mode. Since most of us live in urban areas, the natural elements of landscape and formation are represented by buildings, roadways and other manmade structures.
Eight Trigrams (derived from I-Ching or known as Book of Changes) is the pattern of change in our universe and its energy were formulated, with their transformation, events and evolution of mother nature recorded diagramically in the form of solid (yang) and (yin) lines called trigrams. These natural events affect our health, livelihood, and relationships.

The Luoshu diagram, on the other hand, is a pattern of black (yin) and white (yang) dots inscribed on a turtle’s shell found by Yu the Great, found of China’s first dynasty Xia (2100BC). The diagram denotes motion, transformation and interaction of natural and human chi forces.
The proper arrangement in bagua has the Chien trigram at the top and Kun trigram at the bottom to set up potent energy in repelling bad luck. As for the mirror in the center, they could be designed in flat, concave or convex according to principles of science in reflection of lights. Concave mirrors curve inwards and absorbs all the bad chi. On the contrary, the convex mirror curve outwards and reflect all harmful chi away. Flat mirrors are neutral. While it is important to protect our homes, we should also consider preventing ourselves from harming our neighbours to gain good merits in our karma. Therefore Feng Shui Bestbuy only offer baguas with concave mirrors, which are equally powerful for usage.This bagua is ready to use immediately even if it is not being blessed in the temple by taoist priests.

Beware! The bagua can only be placed outdoor. The bagua placed indoor can be deadly and harmful to us. The bagua should be displayed at the “points of entry of bad chi” into homes such as at the external portion of doors and windows. Normally they are hung at the top frame of the door or on the wall above the door:
- The bagua is useful to prevent bad luck from killing chi if ones home has the main door or windows facing cemeteries/funeral homes, hospitals/convalescent centers, police/firestations, schools/colleges/universities and houses of worship such as churches/mosques/temples.
- The bagua can also repel evil spirits, bad luck and harmful people when displayed on top of main doors.
- The bagua can also diffuse killing chi (poison arrows) from lamp post, straight pole, tree and oppressing large building too close for comfort directly in front of your house.
- The bagua is best used to remedy killing chi (poison arrows) coming from sharp angles, corners of buildings and roof ridges of your neighbours pointing at your front doors.
- The bagua cures continuous rushing chi at a T-intersection, a street that ends at your front yard with on coming traffic heading straight towards your house.
- The bagua nourishes any harmful chi that comes into our homes through the maindoor without us knowing it.
All the above situation if not cured could result in accidents, sickness, depression, psychological effects, or even death in household.