Amulet of “Double Happiness” Symbol


Amulet of “Double Happiness” Symbol
Material: Genuine Orange Aventurine
Color: Orange
Dimension(in): 2.4×0.5x10in
Weight: 100g
ID: KH10009

The presence of the double happiness symbol is an auspicious enhancer for those who are seriously looking for marriage luck and proposals from the one you love. This special amulet of conjugal happiness is carved with the powerful double happiness symbol in the center. The amulet is made from natural red adventurine and is tied with the mystic knot with red tassels in its tail to signify endless “double happiness”. The double happiness symbol is a very powerful symbol of conjugal bliss and happiness in marriage and family life. It simply brings double blessings from heaven. The item is also a perfect wedding gift for your close friends.

The presence of the double happiness symbol is a very powerful symbol of conjugal bliss and happiness in marriage and family life. It connotes double blessings from heaven. In Taoist feng shui, the reasoning is that the “doubling excellence” concept would double the effect of luck, such as doubling the magnitude of wealth, happiness and success. No matter where you place it, happiness chi is most efficiently created by the word itself doubled. This sign is carved on marital beds, chairs and other bedroom furniture. It is also printed onto silks on brides gown on the marriage day. In the Forbidden City of Beijing, the double happiness symbol is carved repeatedly in the emperor’s bedroom, pierced lattice screens, painted red lanterns and ceilings to create a harmonious flow of happy energy through out the palace. The double happiness symbol is a MUST for any newly weds in the bedroom.

To activate your romance luck, wealth luck, success and invite marriage proposals,

  1. Display the amulet in the southwest location of your bedroom, living room, dining, family room, your car and even your workdesk. Southwest is the universal love sector according to Life Aspiration Theory.
  2. Next, you may also want to check out your personal love direction according to your kua number (based on your birthdate) to activate your Nien Yen direction. This is in accordance with 8 Mansions Theory of Feng Shui. Activation using this method will successfully create excellent marriage happiness chi for you.
Weight 220 g


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