Powerful bringers of good fortune, the Five Offerings of Sensory Enjoyment is formed by a group of objects which captivate five senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. They take the form of a mirror, cymbals, burning incense or a perfume-laden conch for smell, fruit for taste and silk cloth for touch. This fortune bringer may be placed at sacred places of your home, important passes, public areas and bedrooms to spread abundance and appease indigenous spirits who abide in these places. As they are related to the Five Buddhas as the faculties of the five aggregates and senses, the come with five important blessings:
- Vairocana represents form (or consciousness) as the faculty of sight, symbolized by the mirror. Your good luck remains completely unaffected, untarnished and unchanged.
- Ratnasambhava represents feeling as the faculty of sound, symbolized by the cymbals. Delightful and peaceful outcomes.
- Amoghasiddhi represents motivation or will as the faculty of taste, symbolized by the fruits. Abundance, passion, longevity, happiness and fertility.
- Amitabha represents perception as the faculty of smell, symbolized by the perfumed conch. Good social skills and network. Less troublemakers and gossips.
- Akshobya represents consciousness or form as the faculty of touch, symbolized by the silk cloth. Wealth and riches. Financially unrestrained.
This fortune bringer symbolizes the realization of all possibilities in good fortune. If placed at cashier register, office table, N and SE corner of the home, mountain star#8 or even location of annual Star#8, the location of Purple Star #9, it guarantees prosperity for you. This is said to bring in lots of wealth, good fortune and money to the family. It is also a perfect centerpiece for homes. A suitable gift for yourself and your loved ones to increase their income and wealth luck!
Note: This item is energy infused. Inspired by the need to activate its true potential and power, a shy energy infused tag is hidden under an exquisite velvet woven solid stand. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.
One can display the precious jewel in the following areas:
- Displaying it in the southeast sector (wealth sector) of living rooms and business premises energizes income, increase in wealth and prosperity and windfall luck. This is the most powerful sector to transmit your home’s chi to become prosperity chi.
- Display it in the northwest to increase money luck from important people and helpful people. This is important for business pursuits and careers. Placing it in this sector will also bring you heaven luck.
- Display it in the north if you’re seeking for material gains in career through more recognition and promotion opportunities.
- Display it at your desk to ensure your work is always recognized by your bosses and your goals are always met. It will also help you create significant differentiator between you and your peers in the hearts of management. Ensure you talents and hard work is acknowledge by the right people.
- To increase ones individual luck, you can display it in your personal zodiac direction:
Rat – North
Ox – NE
Tiger – NE
Rabbit – East
Dragon – SE
Snake – SE
Horse – South
Sheep – SW
Monkey – SW
Rooster – West
Dog – NW
Pig – NW