A brilliant reproduction of the ancient mirror made from strong brass, this Magic Love Mirror promises a romance-filled life. Just by going near the mirror at the start of everyday will bless you with unbelievable love and romance opportunities. If you have someone in mind, you can draw him/her to you by simply facing the mirror at him/her. If you are ready to settle down and seeking for a proposal from someone, your rosy wishes will be fulfilled with many suitors in marriage. If you are facing love stagnation and seeking to recharge your romance energy using the moon ritual, you can leave the mirror in the open under the glowing moon on the 15th lunar day of every month to absorb its energy. If you desire to strengthen your present love commitment or marital ties, this mirror will answer your wishes. Moon’s Matchmaking God or “Yue Lao” (literally means the old man in the moon), is the god who unites persons in marriage originated in Tang Dynasty. As the legend goes, the Moon’s Matchmaking God holds a book in his hands called “the book of fate”, on which the marriage of all people are recorded. Also in his hands there is a red strand, and once he ties a man and a woman on their feet with the strand, the two will surely become a couple even if they were once irreconcilable enemies or strangers far away from each other. He blesses one with everlasting love, strong feelings of passion and matrimonial bliss. There is a famous temple in Hong Kong, known as Wong Tai Sin, in which devotees can burn joss sticks, draw straws and vow to the god for their marriage. Consecrated with the Red Tara Mantra (“Kurukulla Mantra”), it helps to soften mutual restriction for better relationship especially beneficial for those suffering from negative peach blossom, bazi restriction and couples suffering from conflicting zodiacs. This mantra can be invoked to help you to whisper terms of endearment, to guide your sensual power, explore your erotic potential, deepen intimacy, reveal and fulfill your lover’s fantasies and infuse lovemaking with sparkling fire. It creates beauty, colorful romance and the amorous feelings of youth. For ladies, it is like a real love potion that encourages libido of your desired men. Suitable to initiate a new love, spice up your existing love life and harvest marriage luck.
Note: This item is energy infused and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.
What the magic mirror symbolizes?
Ancient mirrors made from brass play an important role in taoist feng shui. The replica of ancient mirrors must always be circular in shape and made from brass in order to be able to produce magic. The brass is a holy material that can reflect rays and trigger lucky vortexes. That is why it can dissipate negativities. In ancient times, the mirror is flashed upon the bride on her wedding day to bring her luckiness. In olden days, practitioners also use the brass mirror to clear away stale and dark aura from their face to start off a new day when they are going out for an important pursuit. The brass mirror was understood to represent the cosmos and to have special powers, including the ability to cure diseases. An ancient text notes: “Therefore the brilliance of the mirrors represented the light of sun and moon combined; and they communicated the intention of the powers in earth beneath, and the spirits in heaven above”. Historically, the brass mirror was also hung up on the outside of the ancient bed-curtain to counteract, prevent, or dissipate devilish or unpropitious influences. It was supposed that evil spirits, on approaching to do harm, will be apt to see themselves reflected in the mirror, and becoming frightened, will betake themselves away without delay.
There were also countless examples of real life historical figures who claimed the magical effects of mirrors as follows:
- Chin Shih Huang (the first emperor of Chin Dynasty AD255) was credited with the possession of a magic mirror, which had the power of reflecting the inward parts of those who looked upon it.
- Li Shin Min (the second emperor of Tang Dynasty AD597-649) is recorded to have remarked, “By using the mirror of brass you may see to adjust your cap, by using antiquity as a mirror, you may learn to foresee the rise and fall of Empires.”
According to another ancient record, the mirror also represents conjugal fidelity and unbroken happiness, the rationale being that if a man and wife were separated and prior to that broke a mirror, each taking half, and the wife was unfaithful to her husband during his absence, her half would turn into a magpie and return to him.
What is more, the magic mirror as a gift represents good luck. Giving away a magic mirror to someone will bring good marriage luck, descendants luck and flourishing career luck. It is said that the mirror never lose its effectiveness as its power is infinite. It strengthens exponentially with the passage of time. Therefore, the magic mirror need not be discarded, but instead should be treasured and passed on to the next generation as a good tradition to endure.
According to ancient belief, one can also absorb the energy from a full moon with this magic mirror to create long term beauty and radiance in the face. The powerful positive “yin” energy from the moon will create lady luck and make females look more attractive. This magic ritual is known as the “moon magic”.
Besides, this magic mirror can also be used to shine on someone you like to create two way attraction for each other. If you want to make friends with colleagues or strangers whom you think are important, you can prepare the mirror by absorbing the sunlight’s yang energy, then keep it in your bag, and bring it along with you to shine at them. They will immediately turn into your friends, even if they are enemies. You may also bring it into a meeting room to perform the same ritual on your counterparts if you like to see them becoming more friendly.

Where to park this Magic Love Mirror?
The best is to carry along this mirror as an amulet with you. However, if you do not wish to, you may consider to park it at certain areas of your home. To activate:
- Romance and love luck, display the mirror in the southwest location of your bedroom, living room, dining, family room, your car and even your workdesk. Southwest is the universal love sector according to Life Aspiration Theory.
- Good love relationship, you may also want to check out your personal love direction according to your kua number (based on your birthdate) to activate your Nien Yen direction. This is in accordance with 8 Mansions Theory of Feng Shui. Activation using this method will successfully create excellent marriage happiness chi for you. This is also the location to activate new love luck for those who have same sexual preference.
- Harmony among family members and newly weds in a household, display the mirror beside your bed or in prominent areas of the living room to create happiness energy. It will also resolve your conflicts you may have with your neighbours or colleagues at work or school.
- The martriarch luck, so that she will be blessed with obedient children and a good husband, display the magic mirror in the southwest of the living room.