Those born in the lunar years coinciding with 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024 2036 belong to the dragon zodiac. Those born under this zodiac have special charisma and lucky. This is the most desired zodiac of all and feng shui couples are normally trying to conceive in Dragon years. Dragon people receives a lot of honors and high status in life. They are confident, possess leadership and optimistic. They are normally in the position to control the others and likes to gain a lot of wealth. There could be a slight setback though, because sometimes dragon people can become obstinate and overly proud of themselves that they suffer from loneliness.
- The Dragon is the ally of those whose zodiacs are Monkey and Rat. Therefore, the Dragon pendant when worn by the Monkey and Rat will help them achieve maximum results in their undertakings and career.
- The Dragon is the secret friend of zodiac Rooster. It will help the Rooster bulldoze through challenges, protect them against harm and provide them with great strength for persistency. It brings them good luck and promises a smoothriding path ahead.
- This pendant when worn by the Dragon will further enhance the strength and quality of its own zodiac.