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This detailed almanac will enable your full potential in 2025, the year of the SNAKE. It is derived from the traditional Chinese tung shu to assist you in selecting the best and most auspicious days & times for activities and events such as the followings:
- Starting a Business – Whether it is a new business start up or any launch of new products, choosing a good date will double your chances of success.
- Move House or Premises – Moving into a new house or shop is considered as a very important event and should not be done without checking a good date to do so.
- Negotiate and Interview – It refers to all forms of negotiations, bartering processes and job interviews.
- Travel – To enable you to travel more safely and with lesser obstructions, it is better to select a good date to do so.
- Renovation and Hammering – Disturbing the earth energy or banging the wall can lead to misfortunes if the day is inauspicious.
- Placing Feng Shui Remedy – If one starts placing their feng shui enhancers on a good day, it would be doubly auspicious to yield better results. This includes building the wealth vase, placing the wealth ship, displaying a water fountain etc.
- Marriage Proceedings – It refers to any rituals, proceedings and ceremonies related to marriage including exchange of bethothal money.
- Medical Procedures – All medical treatments including plastic surgery, vaccination, plastic surgery and doing medical checkups.
- Contracts – Denotes the signing of official documents that binds you to an agreement.
- Buying new car – It refers to the date of booking a new car, date of registration and date of receiving the new car.
- Investment – It refers to stock market investment or resources investment into a business venture.
- Trading – Refers to business trading activities.
- Submit tender – It refers to submission of a tender for an important project with the purpose of winning the tender and turning a profit.
This PDF version is printable. Getting a copy of it is almost as complete as the kind of date selection services provided by feng shui masters out there.