Creating Lifetime Good Luck with Your Lucky Element
(Copyright Reserved by Feng Shui Bestbuy )
(Article was originally authored by Feng Shui Scholar)
Five Elements serves as the basic aspect that influences ones luck

The Five Elements (fire, earth, metal, wood and water) is the fundamental that forms the basis of almost everything metaphysical for the chinese. Everything is created by one or combination of these elements. These include dates, directions, human organs, chinese characters and any other things be they tangible or intangible. These elements can produce and destruct each other following the laws of five element cycle, namely the Productive and Destructive cycle. For example, the above diagram shows the productive cycle of 5 Elements where fire produces earth, earth produces metal, metal produces water, water produces wood and wood produces fire. The Exhaustive Cycle describes how the opposite elements destroy each other like fire is destroyed by water. And in recent years, some creative masters have even created the Exhaustive Cycle (the reverse of Productive Cycle), reasonably justified and well accepted.
This article will not go in-depth into the theory of Five Elements because the scope will be too wide to cover, but instead only focusing and summarizing on a very simple approach to determine one’s lucky element. Everyone’s destiny will also be bounded by one or more of these elements. And those who know the secret of decoding this simple magic or master the knowledge of Five Element will be able to correct problems in their life by re-balancing his or her element to create good long lasting fortune. This article will help one determine their lucky element and using it to optimize their luck incredibly.
Many methods that one can choose to adopt to when determining their lucky element
In contrary to common beliefs that the lucky element is ones personal element according to the element of a day’s pillar (heavenly stem) in the Eight Characters (Bazi) birthchart, this is not necessarily true. Bazi is one of the many types of chinese personal life forecasting method widely used as the standard in fortune telling, in case some readers are unfamiliar with it. This means, for example, if ones pillar of the heaven stem for day is fire, it does not really mean that fire is his or her lucky element. We still need to study that the element in the day’s pillar is weak or strong and other elements in the chart whether they generate an overall balance with its personal element. From this method of determining the lucky element, sometimes it could yield more than one lucky element. We do not recommend that one picks up this knowledge in great depth to check their own Bazi, but maybe resort to services available over the internet or have it done one-on-one with genuine masters if they are interested to find out more.
Others thought that their lucky element is the one that is found from the Eight Mansions Theory (Pa Chai). While, it is not incorrect to consider the method, but this method of adopting the lucky element is not widely considered among the more advanced practitioners because the method is confined only to its own school of thought. There is no astrological aspects, influence of other planets in the universe and time dimension involved in the determination of ones personal element using this method.
Using Seasonal Element to determine your Lucky Element
We recently found that one of the most basic and powerful approaches in finding your lucky element is simply referring to the season of birth. In fact many Bazi experts have strongly maintained that the season of birth has the greatest influence of ones luck cycle from season to season throughout a year repeatedly. This is much accepted and thought by many feng shui masters of high command in Hong Kong. They argue from a statistically sound amount of data gathered from their clients. One who is doubtful can try to recall if during certain seasons of the year, they often fall sick, experience bad luck, suffer from financial losses and are weaker in all aspects of life. According to this school of interpretation, the seasonal element dominates ones luck in a lifetime.
In determining the seasons of birth, one will have to use the solar calendar for better accuracy (the chinese use two calendars: solar calendar and lunar calendar). This is because the seasons are determined by the circulation of the planet around the sun and not dominated by the circulation of the moon. Basically, the start and end dates of each season are the same every year:
- Spring: 4 February to 4 May
- Summer: 5 May to 7 August
- Autumn: 8 August to 7 November
- Winter: 8 November to 3 February
Each season will have an element that is particular strong and another element that is particularly weak. This can be summarized in the table below. Do take note that earth element is not considered because it is a neutral element.

Those who are born in Spring (between 4th February to 4 May) possess strong wood element and lack in metal element. Their lucky element is therefore metal element because this element is the element that is lacking which can bring them luck. They will enjoy tremendous luck in autumn when metal element dominates the year. Such people will need to keep less hair or avoid long hair because hair is considered as wood element. Men must remove their moustache or beard. They are better off with a clean shave. Their best partners be they business partners, friends or lover should preferably be those who are born in Autumn. If they choose to relocate or migrate from their homes, they should go to the West or Northwest directions from their hometown as the reference point. Their lucky colors are gold and white.
Those who are born in summer (between 5th May to 7th August) possess strong fire element and lack in water element. Their lucky element is therefore water element because this element is the element that is lacking which can bring them luck. They will enjoy tremendous luck in winter when water element dominates the year. If their hair color is in reddish tones (fire element), it is best that they dye the hair black (water element). Keeping white hair (snow) during old age is favorable. They can surround themselves with a lot of water such as pond and aquarium. They do better staying in islands, near beaches, rivers and streams. Their best partners be they business partners, friends or lover should preferably be those who are born in Winter. If they choose to relocate or migrate from their homes, they should go to the North direction from their hometown as the reference point. Their lucky colors are black and blue. But avoid painting the house black as it will make the house too “yin” and can attract ghosts.
Those who are born in Autumn (8th August to 7th November) possess strong metal element and lack in wood element. Their lucky element is therefore wood element because this element is the element that is lacking which can bring them luck. They will enjoy tremendous luck in spring when wood dominates the year. They can keep their hair (wood element) as long as they want. Men can grow moustache and beard to enjoy good luck. Tropical mountains and forest areas rich with plants are suitable as areas for them to select as homes. Their best partners be they business partners, friends or lover should preferably be those who are born in Spring. If they choose to relocate or migrate from their homes, they should go to the East and Southeast directions from their hometown as the reference point. Their lucky colors are green and dark brown.
Those who are born in Winter (8 November to 3rd February) possess strong water element and lack in fire element. Their lucky element is therefore fire element because this element is the element that is lacking which can bring them luck. They will enjoy tremendous luck in summer when fire dominates the year. They can dye their hair red or keep them triangular-shaped like David Beckham to enjoy better luck. Because it is impractical to use real fire due to its impermanence and cannot be used practically , it is best that they use the triangular symbol in their daily lives. For example, they can wear the “Adidas” sportsware and shoes because the brand has a triangular-shaped logo (signifying fire energy). This method will boost fire energy into their lives as well. Their best partners be they business partners, friends or lover should preferably be those who are born in Summer. If they choose to relocate or migrate from their homes, they should go to the South direction from their hometown as the reference point. Their lucky color is red and purple. But avoid painting the house red because it is too yang and will distract comfortability.
Knowing your lucky charm to represent your lucky element - "YANG WEALTH OPTIMIZATION METHOD"
Once the person knows what seasonal element that is starving or any other elements that they need according to their Bazi, he or she can use crystals or gemstones carved in auspicious symbols to be worn or carried along to navigate and smoothen their life. This can be any crystals, semi-precious or gemstones that can well represent the associated elements. This method of luck activation is known as the “YANG WEALTH OPTIMIZATION METHOD” and produces the fastest and most desirable results. It is considered as a “yang method” because it proactively and directly solves weaknesses related to the individual’s heaven luck, unlike using “yin methods” like displaying a water feature at an identified wealth corner of a house.
Feng Shui Bestbuy has released our first series of lucky charm in 5 element colors all carved in the most auspicious shape in Period of 8 (2004-2024) which is the Mystic Knot Symbol. They are flamboyantly finished and will definitely spiced up one’s life remarkably.
1. For those whose lucky element is wood; they can wear the Green Aventurine Pendant or possess the Green Aventurine Lucky Charm.
2. For those whose lucky element is metal, they can wear the White Jade Pendant or possess the White Jade Lucky Charm.
3. For those whose lucky element is fire, they can wear the Red Jasper Pendant or possess the Red Jasper Lucky Charm.
4. For those whose lucky element is water, they can wear the Blue Aventurine Pendant or possess the Blue Aventurine Lucky Charm.
Wearing or using stones with colors associated to one’s lucky element is probably one of the most authentic and effective methods of re-balancing ones five elements and boosting of long-lasting good fortune. This is a proven method that works according to many authentic masters around the world.