Chinese Coins
Chinese coins are essential ingredients in the practice of Feng Shui. It is the most potent symbol of wealth, especially when tied with yellow, red and gold thread. They are rounded shape with a square hole in the center. The circle represents the shape of heaven while the square represents the shape of earth. When used by humans, they represent the engagement luck of “Heaven-Earth-Man”.There is the Yang side (with four chinese characters according to reign of emperor) and the Yin side (2 characters) on every chinese coins. The Yang side should always be used facing up. Feng Shui masters often focus only on Ching Dynasty coins compared to other dynasties because Ching was the most powerful dynasty in China, while other dynasties usually collapsed in less than a century. The Chinese coins, particularly of those of the Kang Hsi or Chien Long Emperors’ reign are deemed most auspicious. Chinese coins are creation of old advisors of emperors (who are Grand Feng Shui wizards) and that is why chinese coins are powerful emblems of wealth, endless fortune and prosperity. They are also powerful amulets to protect against harm. Today, these coins had been duplicated to be used extensively in Feng Shui because real ones are rare and hard to get. Furthermore, old coins may have stale chi left behind if not properly cleanse correctly. To activate the coins further, they are tied in multiples of 3, 6 or 9 with red thread. 3 represents the trinity of heaven, earth and mankind luck; 6 represents heaven luck; and 9 is the number representing the wholeness of the universe and completeness.
Loose Ching Dynasty coins (from Chien Lung or Kang Hsi)
Loose Ching Dynasty gold coins (especially from Chien Lung or Kang Hsi) are auspiciously used in a massive manner. Gold coins are prefered over bronze because of its higher value.
The reign of Chien Lung was considered the most powerful and prosperous period with international trade massively taking place, China going through a peaceful period and the nation enjoying tremendous wealth. Using Chien Lung coins signifies getting solid financial luck and support from Emperor Chien Lung.
Feng Shui enthusiasts are advised to purchase a couple of hundreds of these coins for Feng Shui purpose, as they are inexpensive nowadays. However, it is important when selecting the make of the coins. We should select those made from fine metal material like bronze and brass. Some are made of resin which will not have similar power.
- They are placed together with wealth symbols such as Money Frog, Chi Lin, Dragon Tortoise, Pi Yao and Wealth Deities.
- You may also place 6 loose Chien Lung coins in your rice urn with real money in a “red packet” (angpow) to multiply your income. Similarly, you may also put 6 loose Chien Lung coins into red packet to be sitted by wealth symbols for activation purposes. This is a secret reinforcement method to empower the Feng Shui wealth symbols.
- Loose coins are also essential to fill up wealth ships and wealth vases. They should be in multiplication of a hundred.
- For the tycoons and those who wants to be extensively rich, you may purchase them in bulk and embed them into your walls and under your floor tiles or carpets to create abundance. Living in a bed of prosperity coins are deemed extremely auspicious and you will be blessed with a life filled with riches.
- Create a treasure chest filled with loose Chien Lung coins and bury it in the northwest corner of your garden or home to create abundance or mentor luck. Northwest is a metal corner and when it is being activated with metal coins, it improves luck for the partriarch.
- You may also implant nine of these coins with Yang side on top and Yin side on the bottom in the paving stones leading to your doorstep to signify lots of money paving their way to your home. You may also tape them under a thick floor mat.
3-Coins tied with red thread
3 Kang Hsi coins or 3 Chien Lung coins tied together in a red thread makes it a specially powerful emblem or fortune magnet for prosperity. Another better version would be having three successive Kang Hsi (1661-1722), Yung Cheng (1723-1735), Chien Lung (1736-1796) coins tied together to signify support and excellent feng shui from three of the most outstanding generations for longer term of wealth success.
The coins must be made of fine metal such as brass or bronze, which are strong and elegant. Some versions are made of resin and brittle in nature, try not to get those version because they lack in metal energy.
3 coins with red thread are so powerful that it can be considered to be equivalent to the presence of a Wealth God and its uses are aplenty:
- Carry in your pocket, purse or wallet wherever you go to ensure you carry with you wealth energy that could create abundance for you.
- Activate wealth by placing 3-coins tied with the mystic knot in the four corners of every room in your home and office. The mystic knot gives the coins added potency and sets up wealth vibrations through the foundations of your home or business premise.
- To increase your business fortune, stick three of the coins tied with red thread on to all your important files, bank books, invoice books and order books, cheque books, in your cash boxes and safes, inside your pocketbook and any folder or item to do with your income.
- Similarly you can stick this potent wealth attractor on to your fax machines, cash register and computers to attract opportunities through these avenues. The yang side must always be up.
- Hang three coins on the inside doorknob of your shop’s main door. This symbolizes that prosperity has already entered your office. On the outside doorknob of your shop’s main door, hang a pair of bells; this attracts good fortune chi to enter your office. The sound of bells symbolically ‘announces’ imminent prosperity and good news. This ‘coins and bells’ tip is particularly effective for companies or establishments engaged in the trading, wholesale or retail business.
- You may also tape 3-coins in southeast corner of your bedroom, workdesk, living room etc to activate your wealth corner.
6 Emperor Coins
6 Emperor coins tied in red thread consist of coins that are from the beginning reign of Ching Dynasty: – Shun Chi (1644-1661), Kang Hsi (1661-1722), Yung Cheng (1723-1735), Chien Lung (1736-1796), Chia Ching (1796-1820) and Tao Kwong (1820-1850). Six is the number which represents luck from heaven. They are usually secured with mystic knot to double the good fortune and endless wealth luck. You may hang 6 Emperor Coins in the northwest to bring you mentor luck, networking luck and attracting helpful people to support your undertakings.
9 Emperor Coins
9 Emperor Coins tied in red thread consist of coins that are from the first nine Ching Dynasty Emperors from the following reign: – Shun Chi (1644-1661), Kang Hsi (1661-1722), Yung Cheng (1723-1735), Chien Lung (1736-1796), Chia Ching (1796-1820), Tao Kwong (1820-1850), Shen Fung (1850-1861), Tung Chi(1862-1874) and Kwong Shui (1875-1908). Feng Shui masters believe that the 10th emperor is not considered auspicious because Ching Dynasty collapsed during his weak rulership. The dragon breathe for Ching Dynasty had ended after 9 generations. 9 is also a lucky number which represents abundance from the harmonization of heaven and earth.
9 Emperor coins with red thread and mystic knot is essential to empower it for endless fortune. The coins must be made of fine metal such as brass or bronze, which are strong and elegant. Some versions are made of resin and brittle in nature, try not to get those version because they lack in metal energy.
9 Emperor coins are the most powerful amulet of all and the results will be multiplied significantly compared to other combinations:
- To increase your business fortune, stick 9 emperor coins on to all your important files, bank books, invoice books and order books, cheque books, in your cash boxes and safes, inside your pocketbook and any folder or item to do with your income.
- Similarly you can stick this potent wealth attractor on to your fax machines, cash register and computers to attract opportunities through these avenues. The yang side must always be up.
- You may also tape 9 emperor coins in southeast corner of your bedroom, workdesk, living room etc to activate your wealth corner.
- 9 Emperor coins placed in Northwest is a must to activate your mentor luck to bring you important network and helpful people coming into your life.
- For bosses or employees, hang them behind your chair or on the wall behind where you sit to obtain strong financial luck and support from the 9 Emperors.
- To excel in studies and scholastic pursuits, you can use 9 Emperor coins as a bookmark to ensure they help you achieve your goals.
- The 9 Emperor coin is also a potent metal cure to dissolve the evil 5 Yellow (bring fatality, accidents and mishaps) and illness star-2 (bring long term illness).
- For those in business or looking for more achievement in life (to leapfrog to next level of excellence), you may hang the 9 Emperor coins above your door inside your house to represent endless wealth had entered your house.
- You may also hang the 9 coins in your car for good luck, prevent accidents and having happy tidings from any business ventures wherever you travel. Bad chi in your car can also be dissolved to prevent bad luck.
Coin Sword
Coin sword is essentially magical in nature and can be used to ward off evil. It is the most powerful protection and remedy to disperse shar chi (killing breathe) coming your way. Serious Feng Shui enthusiasts and masters usually consider having one of these tools in their homes or business premise as its presence is auspicious.
Coin sword with red thread tied strongly together is essential to empower it for effectiveness. The coins used are usually Ching Dynasty coins. The coins must be made of fine metal such as brass or bronze, which are strong. Some versions are made of resin and brittle in nature, try not to get those version because they lack in metal energy. Coin sword come in a few sizes, but the most powerful has 108 coins tied together. Larger coin swords are useful for shops, business premises, factories and more authoritive use. Smaller versions are more suitable for a humble cubicle or small office space.
Coin sword being a powerful metal remedy and wealth symbol has many Feng Shui purposes:
- You can hang the coin sword on the wall in the living room or family room, slanting with the tip facing down and towards the entrance or windows. It is indeed a decorative piece which would look elegant and authentically antic looking for admiration of your visitors. Hanging in the family room will protect your entire family from any kind of harm, be it physical, financial or political. The coin sword is best use to combat disasters, burgalary, evil, harmful people, financial losses, lawsuits, triads and mishaps. It also enhances your wealth luck because of coins tied with red thread. You may also hang the coin sword on the wall hidden behind your main entrance door pointing outwards slanting down.
- The Coin Sword is effective to bring for you powerful mentor luck and helpful people to support your important business or work pursuits when hung in the Northwest corner of your house.
- For bosses or managers, it is best to use a large coin sword to counter any gossips and unobedient employees by hanging it behind you or on either your left or right. Do not hang it directly in front of you.
- For employees, hang a coin sword to counter office politics and resist people who intends to harm your career. Having a coin sword would also heighten your competitiveness compared to your peers for a smooth ride to the top.
- Coin sword is also a heavy metal remedy to counter deadly 5-Yellow (causing fatality and mishaps) and illness star-2 (causing long term illness). For those having maindoors or family rooms in these locations, you are adviced to get one hung there.
Note: Feng Shui Bestbuy offers coins from the finest quality that is made from fine brass and bronze and is really strong in nature. Try not to get those coins that are made from resin and is very brittle. It is better to refresh these coins each year on the first day of the Lunar New Year. It is best to get new ones, or you can cleanse them using incense or singing bowl.