Summary of 2025 Afflictions

The summary of exact locations, effects and remedies are illustrated further in the following table.


AfflictionExact Location in 2025Harmful EffectsRemedyFeng Shui Taboos
5-YellowNORTHEASTDisasters, bad luck, severe illnesses, accidents, death, financial losses, obstacles to success, fortunes taken severe tumble, lawsuits.BEST to use Protective Chung Kwei

1. Avoid renovations, banging, nailing, digging or disturbing the earth.

2. If maindoor is here, display additionally the Sun Moon Wulou Windchime.

3.If bedroom is here, occupants should additionally carry along the Zenith Guard Amulet.

4. Do not use too much fire element here as it will aggravate the 5-Yellow, keep cold lights (LED) moderately lit.

5. If 5-Yellow flies to the kitchen, reduce cooking, display “additionally” in the vicinity of the hob the Six Emperor Coins to control.

Illness Star #2CENTERIllness for family which can lead to long serious illness and fatality.100 Wulou Medicinal Tortoise1. Avoid renovation and disturbing the earth. No nailing.
2. If bedroom is here, you are prone to falling sick more. Occupants of this bedroom can additionally carry along the Divine Doctor Amulet.
3. If 2-Black flies to the kitchen, reduce cooking, display “additionally” the 100 Wulou Medicinal Tortoise anywhere in the kitchen and place the 2 Wulous 6 Emperor Coins in the vicinity of the stove to control.
Three KillingsEASTRobbery, theft, blood related injuries, illness, loss of wealth, court cases, lawsuits, calamities, destitution, fatalities.3 Celestial Protectors1. Avoid renovations and disturbing the earth. No knocking, banging and nailing.
2. Use extra remedy if maindoor or room doors are facing this direction. Display the 3 Celestial Protectors facing your maindoor.
3. Do not sit with your back facing Three Killings at work and at dinner table, but better to confront it directly.
Tai SuiSOUTHEASTLoss, bad luck, illness, injuries, career obstacles, calamities, fatalities.

2025 Tai Sui Plaque


Prosper Guard Pi Yao

1. Avoid renovation and disturbing the earth.
2. Do not directly confront Tai Sui at dining and at work, but okay to have your back facing him.
3. If the maindoor is in the direction, all inhabitants also need to carry the 2025 Grand Duke Charm.
Sui PoNORTHWESTBad luck, fatalitiesProsper Guard Pi Yao1. Avoid renovation and disturbing the earth.
2. Use extra remedy if maindoor or room doors disturb the direction.
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