The golden nacaifu ox figurines have one standing on four and another lying on its stomach onto a bed of treasures. There is also a water-like transparent epoxy to keep the treasures look wet. One can add some water if they wish to have real water. This is a traditional enhancer that feng shui masters in Hong Kong regularly prescribe for many years with effective results. This ornament will alleviate impatience and nervousness, while improving your sleeping quality. It will then bring you wealth through persistency, consistency and hard work. The ox is the emblem of spring which translates to good harvest, happiness, windfall, joyful news and good year ahead. It grants people with most of the wishes anyone would have. It is considered as a sacred animal in some countries and brings successful business encounters, luck in investments, luck in stocks speculation, prosperity, wealth, abundance, success, passing examinations, good descendants luck and good fortune to households. They are targeted for those who intend to gain smoothness in acquisition of wealth and abundance. It would also bring you the good possibility of a big fat salary for those seeking for a new career. Perfect gift for bosses and also for those opening new businesses.
What the ox symbolizes and how to place this object?
The ox is considered as sacred animal in China, Thailand, Nepal, India and many parts of Asia. Chinese always associate the ox to spring. Each year, in chinese almanac, the ox and its gesture is used to describe spring and what the outlook is for the year in terms of weather, agricultural harvest and economy. It is also believe that the ox could deflect any evil spirits as it is considered as a sacred animal in Buddhist texts. For example, the Summer Palace lake at Peiping had a bronze image of the ox erected to suppress any demons that would possibly disturb the lakes, rivers and seas. Many Buddhist followers believe that the ox has the power to transform all wishes into reality. It is a symbol of harvest and good yields. In the west, we refer to the term “bullish” share market as reflecting stocks rising crazily for a substantial period of time. Therefore, the ox symbolizes ultimate gain, success and incremental fortune.
For excellent feng shui associated to investment, stock market, career, wealth abundance and successful encounters:
- Display the nacaifu ox simply on your work desk or in your office desk where you make a career, business dealings or investment.
- Display the nacaifu ox in the SE corner of your living room or family room of your house if you desire to get rich fast by activating your wealth corner. This fortune ox will transform your wealth wishes into riches and reality. It invites wealth energy and prosperity for the whole family.
- Display the nacaifu ox in your personal sheng chi location to jazz up more success in all your affairs and smoothen your endeavours.
- Display the nacaifu ox in the north if you are seeking for career victory, career enhancement, remove obstacles and to remedy political problems in your office. It would also alert your senses to defend against backstabbing and ill intention of your competitors.
- Place the nacaifu ox at your cash register of your business premise if you are seeking for victory over your competitors and increase in your business gains.
- Display the nacaifu ox in your bedroom if you are seeking for a gifted child, particularly best if you place it in the west corner of your home.